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  1. Thank you, I was able to get it working by using gsap.context() and revert()!
  2. Recently I updated gsap from 3.11.0 to the latest, but every version past 3.11.3 breaks a pinned scrolltrigger that I have. When I try to pin something, it jumps to the end and pins from that end potition instead of the top of the page (start: "top top") https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-pin-issue-by1qf9
  3. This works as far as I can tell. Thank you very much! In my actual project, I shouldn't use CSS for the starting position, but I was able to achieve the same result by using .fromTo() and setting the "from" point to the same value as the first keyframe like so: useEffect(() => { gsap.fromTo(q(".App"), 0.75, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".App", markers: true, start: "top center", end: "bottom 30%", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" }, clipPath: "circle(0% at 50% 50%)" }, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".App", markers: true, start: "top center", end: "bottom 30%", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" }, keyframes: { clipPath: ["circle(0% at 50% 50%)", "circle(75% at 50% 50%)"] } }); }, []);
  4. Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately changing ".from()" to ".to()" doesn't work. A lower version of gsap shouldn't be cached, this is the only version I've used on that sandbox.
  5. I would love to use keyframes, but they seem to be very glitchy when I use them with scrolltrigger. It will often jump between the first and last keyframe while scrolling outside of start and end. I am not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. https://codesandbox.io/s/dreamy-banach-dixzdg?file=/src/animwrapper.js
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