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Posts posted by AntAreS24

  1. Hi Jack,


    Thanks for the quick response. Since I wasn't expecting since a quick response, I started working on another part of the project :D

    I tried to draw what I want.

    Step 1.

    The "grass" image is sticky to the bottom of the red "title" screen. I want this grass to stay at the bottom until I reach the section 3.



    Step 2.

    Once I reach the section 3, the image stays and fit between section 2 and 3.



    I looked at your sample, but I can't use a end trigger with +=100% as I have no idea how big will section 1 and 2 be, so I need to stop at the beginning of section 3.




  2. Hi,


    I'm new to GSAP and I'm trying to have a sticky image at the bottom for few sections, then make it fit with the rest of the page. I have a feeling the order of my divs or the structure is preventing the right pin spacing from happening.


    What I'd like to happen is have the grass image pinned until the .img-placer marker, but have the image "fit" in between the .before and .after divs.


    Once this is achieved, I'd like to replace this image with another image (I'm pretty sure using the onEnter and onLeave), but that's the next step, so I prefer to have the first step right.


    Thanks for the help.


    See the Pen qBppbEY by AntAreS24 (@AntAreS24) on CodePen

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