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Everything posted by strawberry19

  1. @OSUblake As I said before it works perfect with vanilla JS/HTML. UPD. I uninstalled all extensions in Chrome. Uninstalled and installed the Chrome itself again. Run the code in incognito mode. Nothing helped, still having the problem. Also installed and tried Yandex browser which is build on top of Chromium. Same result... I guess I should give up since no one can undertand the reason for that. Thanks for your help anyway
  2. @OSUblake I tried and it didn't help. Maybe I do something wrong. Anyway I will post a Codepen example tomorrow. But could you please tell me where to put that tickGSAPWhileHidden in my code? So we are both sure that the code is 100% correct. You also mentioned gsap.ticker.tick. What's wrong with that? How should I fix the code? I'm sorry for taking so much of your time. But I just won't rest until I figure out what causes this glitch. Maybe I use GSAP incorrectly... but why does it work fine in any other browser except for Chrome then? Two more examples. In the first example the animation stopped halfway between 2 blocks https://imgur.com/a/QYaFQcd In the second example I scrolled 1 time but it scrolled 2 blocks one after another. https://imgur.com/a/gAjqtZK
  3. @OSUblake that's what I'm talking about https://imgur.com/a/SJLj9d3 Honestly I don't know. Someone asked about full-page scroll here, on this forum. And I just grabbed the code provided by one of your moderators.
  4. @OSUblake I tried to make the demo as minimal as possible. Here it is: https://codesandbox.io/s/wizardly-brook-bhzkit?file=/src/components/style.module.css Please, try it in Chrome. Open the link scroll the page a bit. Then switch to another browser tab and then switch back to the codesandbox. If it still works fine, then repeat these steps 5-6 times and you will probably see what I was talking about. Please, let me know if you will have the same problem with scrolling as I do. P.S. As you can see in the second.js file I tried to create simple elements with map() and it didn't broke the scrolling. But when I created GatsbyImages using .map() the scrolling started to glitch.
  5. I guess he means that he has to scroll some distance untill the green block appears on a screen. But he wants the green block to appear as soon as he starts scrolling.
  6. @OSUblake hello again. I spent 2 days trying to figure out what causes the problem. First I though it was the html-layout. But then I noticed that the scrolling glitches only in Google Chrome. Never in Mozilla Firefox. Not sure about Opera, still testing. So let me explain the situation. Maybe it would help you fix the library (if needed). I use GSAP to scroll full-page sections. With plain HTML/CSS/JS the GSAP scrolling always works fine in Chrome. But I use GSAP with GatsbyJS (which, in turn, uses React). Then I create several React-components. Each component is just a full-page section element that has some simple html inside (spans, h1, paragrapghs or plain text). When I scroll those components it works fine in Chrome. Then in those React-components I replace that simple html with some more complex JSX. Like creating elements with .map(). And that is what breaks the GSAP scrolling in Google Chrome. Once again, in Mozilla Firefox it still works prefect. My Chrome version is 99.0.4844.82. GSAP version is 3.9.1.
  7. Thank you very much for fixing my code. But I figured out that the problem could be not in GSAP or my component. I guess the problem is with the layout. I'm not sure but resizing the browser window fixed the scroll problem. Must be something with the coordinates I guess... anyway thank you!!
  8. @OSUblake I'm sorry for bothering you again but I edited my code. But it didn't fix the problem. Actually I don't understand how killing the ScrollTrigger and other event listeners should fix the problem. I guess I gave you an unclear description of the problem so you misunderstood me. Let me make it clear. I open a tab in a browser and go to my website. The scrolling works fine. Then I open a new tab and go to (let's say) google.com and spend some time on that website. The tab with my website is still open in a background. Then I switch from google tab back to my website tab. And now GSAP scrolling starts to glitch. I never go to any other website in that browser tab. Also I never go to another route of my website. I just open an index page. Switch to another browser tab and switch back. I have no idea how and why but exactly these actions cause the problems. Code: export default function IndexPage() { useEffect(() => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin) const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section") const scrolling = { enabled: true, events: "scroll,wheel,touchmove,pointermove".split(","), prevent: e => e.preventDefault(), disable() { if (scrolling.enabled) { scrolling.enabled = false window.addEventListener("scroll", gsap.ticker.tick, { passive: true }) scrolling.events.forEach((e, i) => (i ? document : window).addEventListener(e, scrolling.prevent, { passive: false, }) ) } }, enable() { if (!scrolling.enabled) { scrolling.enabled = true window.removeEventListener("scroll", gsap.ticker.tick) scrolling.events.forEach((e, i) => (i ? document : window).removeEventListener(e, scrolling.prevent) ) } }, } function goToSection(section, anim, i) { console.log(scrolling.enabled) if (scrolling.enabled) { // skip if a scroll tween is in progress scrolling.disable() gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: { y: section, autoKill: false }, onComplete: scrolling.enable, duration: 1, }) anim && anim.restart() } console.log(section) } sections.forEach((section, i) => { const intoAnim = gsap.from(section.querySelector(".right-col"), { yPercent: 50, duration: 1, paused: true, }) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: section, start: "top bottom-=1", end: "bottom top+=1", onEnter: () => goToSection(section, intoAnim), onEnterBack: () => goToSection(section), }) }) return () => { ScrollTrigger.kill() } }, []) return ( <div className={styles.container}> <Header /> <Products /> <Contact /> <Footer /> </div> ) }
  9. Could you please make corrections to the code I posted according to your answer? I would really appreciate it
  10. I've noticed some strange behavior of scrolling in GatsbyJS. I have a container with full-page sections that are scrolled with GSAP. import React, { useEffect } from "react" import scroll from "../assets/javascript/scroll" export default function IndexPage() { useEffect(() => { scroll() }, []) return ( <div className={styles.container}> <Header /> <Products /> <Contact /> <Footer /> </div> ) } Everything works fine... until I go to another tab of a browser and come back to my website again. After doing that GSAP 'breaks' and scrolls two full-page sections one after another. Even if I scroll a mouse wheel a bit. And sometimes GSAP can't scroll the section at all. It looks like a full-page starts moving but suddenly the scrolling stops and GSAP places the current section to it's place. I don't know how Gatsby works under the hood but maybe the scrolling script loads and runs again after coming back to the page? But I run the script in useEffect import { gsap } from "gsap" import { ScrollTrigger, ScrollToPlugin } from "gsap/all" export default function () { console.log("i am here!!!") gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin) const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section") // this scrolling object just allows us to conveniently call scrolling.enable(), scrolling.disable(), and check if scrolling.enabled is true. // some browsers (like iOS Safari) handle scrolling on a separate thread and can cause things to get out of sync (jitter/jumpy), so when we're animating the scroll position, force an update of GSAP tweens when there's a scroll event in order to maintain synchronization) const scrolling = { enabled: true, events: "scroll,wheel,touchmove,pointermove".split(","), prevent: e => e.preventDefault(), disable() { if (scrolling.enabled) { scrolling.enabled = false window.addEventListener("scroll", gsap.ticker.tick, { passive: true }) scrolling.events.forEach((e, i) => (i ? document : window).addEventListener(e, scrolling.prevent, { passive: false, }) ) } }, enable() { if (!scrolling.enabled) { scrolling.enabled = true window.removeEventListener("scroll", gsap.ticker.tick) scrolling.events.forEach((e, i) => (i ? document : window).removeEventListener(e, scrolling.prevent) ) } }, } function goToSection(section, anim, i) { console.log(scrolling.enabled) if (scrolling.enabled) { // skip if a scroll tween is in progress scrolling.disable() gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: { y: section, autoKill: false }, onComplete: scrolling.enable, duration: 1, }) anim && anim.restart() } console.log(section) } sections.forEach((section, i) => { const intoAnim = gsap.from(section.querySelector(".right-col"), { yPercent: 50, duration: 1, paused: true, }) ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: section, start: "top bottom-=1", end: "bottom top+=1", onEnter: () => goToSection(section, intoAnim), onEnterBack: () => goToSection(section), }) }) }
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