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  1. Thank you for the feedback @OSUblake! I made the changes according to your feedback so that the values update dynamically, however I'm still encountering the same issue. Is there something I'm missing? When I resize the window the scrolling gets caught between slides and sometimes even skips some. https://codepen.io/theStiffler/pen/mdprzBE
  2. Hey everyone! Loving ScrollTrigger, it works great but I'm wondering if you could help me with an issue that I've been having for the past week. I'm trying to build a vertical slider inside of a pinned container. The main goal is that the user gets to the pinned element and then starts scrolling through the slides (with at most one slide displayed at each point in time). This is currently working correctly except when the user resizes the window in which the scrolling starts getting stuck in between slides. Looking at the markers, it seems ScrollTrigger loses track of the slide's start and end attributes even though I'm setting invalidateOnRefresh: true on both the inner and outer container. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's an issue with ScrollTrigger. Also open to any suggestions you might have for accomplishing this!
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