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Everything posted by Debsfx

  1. Great! I'll look more into the ticker property and lagsmoothing method to get a better grip on it's usage and mechanics here. Thanks
  2. https://codepen.io/debsfx/pen/xxPMxNx The dot disappears for some reason. Do I need to implement an onUpdate or progess() to sync the dot the path rotation? Thanks for responses
  3. Yes, however the scaling wave is a rotating ellipse from center origin with the point (circle) rotating along the ellipse path. Apologies for the initial ambiguity. I was thinking theres an easier way without using an array
  4. How can I get this to work with just the motionPath parameter? var tween = gsap.to(".ball", { duration: 5, repeat: -1, ease: "none", // onUpdate:, motionPath: { path: (rawPath) => { MotionPathPlugin.cacheRawPathMeasurements(rawPath); setPosition(MotionPathPlugin.getPositionOnPath(rawPath, tween.progress())); }, align:"#pathd", autoRotate: true, alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], } For example Initially the settings were set as path: "#path" align:"#path" but the ball rotates around the original position of the circle path and doesn't follow the rotating circle(path) I was thinking I'd need to use onUpdate somehow to lock the rotating circle path to the ball? Any help appreciated Thanks
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