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  1. Thank you Jack I attached the result that I'm trying to achieve. Record_2022-02-18-07-10-59_2 (2).mp4 I want to animate the page title, item title and image from the first view to the second, animate in the detail information and also animate out the sibling items. Sorry for the confusion, the following codepen is where I try to implement Flip: https://codepen.io/tsch0hnny/pen/abVaRvQ (Mobile only for now, best viewed with a width of less than 600px) I wasn't aware that visibility hidden isn't tweenable. Thanks for clarifying! The pen I posted before, I made so people don't have to look through my codemess ?
  2. Ok, so the reason why there were no animations when navigating back to the overview from the detail view was because I didn't get the states of the items on the detail view and I didn't call Flip once you clicked the back arrow. Silly me GSAP's Flip Plugin is so magical that I expected literal magic ? Here's an updated codepen: https://codepen.io/tsch0hnny/pen/OJOorKM Now what I still don't understand is why the inactive items are animated when navigating from detail to over-view but not the other way around...?
  3. Hello I have an expandable list of items that I need to Flip. I've managed to animate most elements but for some reason when one item is clicked, the others just disappear instead of fading out. Also when going back to the overview there are no animations. What am I missing?
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