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Everything posted by tk.kirill

  1. Thank's! One more little question. How could I change start position of all scrollTriggers on mobile? Trying to do ScrollTrigger.matchMedia({ "(max-width: 991px)": function() { sectionIDs.forEach(id => { let st = ScrollTrigger.getById(id); st.vars.start = "center center"; // no results }); ...
  2. Thank's, but not in my case. I have 22 sections with animations in total. Therefore, a universal solution is needed. Maybe there are any possibility to pause toglleActions while scrolling? For example: $(anchor).on("click", function(){ ScrollTrigger.defaults({ toggleActions: "none" }); gsap.to(window, 1, { scrollTo:anchor, onComplete:()=>{ ScrollTrigger.defaults({ toggleActions: "play" }); } }) });
  3. Hi Blake, Thank you for your answer. I just want to accomplish a couple of goals. Click on anchor number 3 > go to section 3 (without playing animation on sections 1 and 2). Then scroll to section 1 with the mouse wheel. And the animation 2 and 1 plays as it should. If I use enable() method then all sections automatically start playing all animations. Just updated codepen. The preventOverlaps and fastScrollEnd methods don't really work in my case. Because they play the animation fast, but I need it to be kind of paused. Sorry if I wasn't clear about what I meant.
  4. Hi team, First of all thank you for making our job easier. What i want to obtain: by clicking anchor links, while scrolling to section_3 (for ex.), another sections do not triggering. After I scroll up or down to section_2 or section_4 by wheel or anchor those sections must works like default behavior. I try to enable all timelines by ID on scrollTo complete. But it's seems not to work properly. Need help...
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