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Everything posted by paulopanganiban

  1. I'm so amazed with the new plugin. May I know what's the equivalent approach if this was implemented with ScrollTrigger? Thanks!
  2. Such excellent answers, it’s all clear to me now. Thank you! ???
  3. I want to know what are the use cases of using ScrollTrigger.create() vs gsap.to(element, scrollTrigger: {} ), I cant seem to find the answer anywhere. Thanks!
  4. All good for this one. I just added scrub: 1, and start positions
  5. Hello wonderful people. I need help with my navbar, So the codepen demonstrates the perfect animations I need, the only thing I'm lacking is once the navbar is on the very top of the view port, return it to its original color and not red. I don't want to use CSS classes for this but rather use full control of scroll trigger and timelines. I'm using this with React and Styled-components, I tried using toggle class and with start and end markers, no avail Thank you to anyone whose willing to help! ?
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