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darky98's Achievements

  1. Thank you so much, you saved my life haha, hope you have a good day
  2. Hi, i tried to make this cool effect with React https://codepen.io/BrianCross/pen/PoWapLP and this is what i did: https://codesandbox.io/s/lingering-rain-03x71q?file=/src/components/Navbar.js The thing is that i want to jump into a section when i click any navbar link but as far as i know i cant use any states and when i use refs i get undefined. I tried to copy and paste slideIn function into any onClick navlinks but it didint work, it breaks the whole app. How can i achive this? Hope it was understood. Thanks
  3. Wow! thank you very much! i made some changes for my React project and it worked, the only problem is that there is some sort of bug there with the z-index when you scroll up, but i'm figuring it out how to solve it. Thanks !
  4. I am developing a web with REACT and I need to recreate this scroll parallax effect: https://gmeadow.com/. Is there any example on codepen or any code to do something like this?. I haven't code anything because I don't know where to start. Thanks.
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