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Posts posted by DanielLav

  1. 12 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    Из документов: 

    Существует вспомогательная функция , которая может помочь в этой ситуации. Вам также необходимо убедиться, что элементы находятся в потоке документов, чтобы вычисления могли выполняться правильно, но у вас было display: none в родительском элементе. Таким образом, вы можете переключить это на разделение. 






    Thank you, Jack! This definitely works better. But I still encounter a bug.

    For example, I didn't change your code at all, but I changed the text from:

    <div>Tell us<span class="text-gradient"> more</span> about your business</div>


    <div>Where is your<span class="text-gradient"> business</span> based?</div>

    And damn, now it splits the text into two lines, but it doesn't do it correctly. I am attaching my codepen where you can see this:

    See the Pen xxNZZXm by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen


    Also if you add other text:

    <div><span class="text-gradient">Additional</span> information</div>

    With this approach, the text inside the span is wrapped in two divs. This isn't exactly a problem from a styling point of view, but this behavior doesn't exist when adding other text. And truly, when I switch between my slides in project sometimes (in 10-15% I still see how some words stick together).


    I just don't understand why this happens. I use SplitText on many projects and have never seen such a problem.

    You are doing amazing things, maybe I am doing something wrong.


    Will you have opportunity to check again please?

  2. Hello! These days I've spent extra time trying to change my css to make SplitText work correctly.


    I removed the display: none css property for the title as a test (although I will definitely need it due to the specifics of my animation, where I will change the titles).


    The problem remains. If you look in the inspector, SplitText doesn't even split my text on a line. I suspect that this is either some kind of SplitText bug, or I am writing my GSAP code incorrectly.


    Can you look at what's wrong again? I spent several days trying to find a solution


    I attach updated codepen where I remove display: none in css:

  3. Hello GSAP community! I'm creating a small quiz and I'm having a problem with word splitting during the entry animation (for view this just click to "Open modal" button).


    I am attaching a minimal demo showing my problem:


    Here you can see that words "your business" appears without separating the words. I also need to revert the animation after it's done so I can then assign the active class to other text.


    I spent 2 days trying to find a solution (testing replacing my css code and trying to use functions from the ScrollTrigger documentation).


    Please help me find a solution. I will be very grateful for any help!

    See the Pen zYQxNoa by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  4. Hello GSAP Community! I'm working on horizontal scroll animations for cards and text block.


    Here's my codepen with a minimal demo:


    What I want to create:
    1) So that the .trust-item cards start scrolling “in advance” and from the right edge, and earlier that the position of my container reaches the viewport. And it is necessary that at the moment of the main scroll the cards are in the center of the screen in height.


    How it works now:
    Now the .trust-item cards start scrolling in advance and from the right edge, but .trust-container remains at the very bottom of the viewport and does not occupy a position in the center of the screen.


    2) I also want to ensure that the text block <div class="section-desc">Advantages</div> is fixed until the .trust-container takes up the middle of the screen in height and then the .section-desc should be pushed to the bottom of .trust-container and horizontal scrolling should be applied to .section-desc in the same flow as for .trust-item cards


    I tried to implement this using position: sticky, but it didn't work.


    I hope my explanation is clear. I really hope for the magic of the GSAP community and help.

    See the Pen OJGYRWJ by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  5. Hello GSAP family! I don’t know if it’s customary to write this here, but I was very interested in the effect of the appearance of squares in the background when the cursor moves. I found an example of it on this site:


    I really like how they do it. They use canvas to draw squares and when you hover over a square, it is filled with colors and some random number of adjacent squares (maybe one or 2-3, this is random) are also filled.


    They also track the position of the cursor and possibly the position of the square to see if the cursor is hovering over the square (because they are at different z-index levels).


    I'm very curious if it's possible to do this with GSAP? Because I think that GSAP is capable of almost everything in 2d animation. 🤠

    If it is possible to do that, can you share the solution for me to study it? Or tell me where to start

  6. Hello! I'm trying to implement confetti effect made with gsap to my project 💗


    The problem is that when changing the window width / orientation, I need the width and height of the container where the confetti is located to be recalculated.


    I tried to implement this with a timeline (instead of the usual gsap), but I couldn't do it because the Random property was removed from gsap version 3 (at least that's what my PhpStorm says).


    Here is link to my codepen with code:


    How can I implement a confetti animation that will adjust to the width of the user's window and that can be turned off by itself (for example, by clicking on a button)?


    Many thanks in advance for your advice and help.
    I believe that the GSAP team, as always, will come to the rescue



    See the Pen ZEmKyPq by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  7. I want the "close" icon to only appear at a width of 0-767. Now this one works like that, but as soon as I resize to a width of 767+, my "close" icon disappears and no longer appears when I resize to a width of 0-767 again.



  8. Hello! Actually your solution is simple and works.


    But in my real project, I have about 15 changes to my timeline and the media query is only associated with the appearance of the "close" icon. So it doesn't really suit me.


    Perhaps you have other ideas how to make my functionality? Sorry for asking a lot of questions, but for me this is important and interesting

  9. Hello! Sorry for the long answer.


    Yes, your solution works. But it works on click and restarts the entire animation.


    How can I make it only fire the tl part inside the matchMedia and when changing the width from 767 and vice versa?


    Why do I need it. The fact is that on my real site the "close" icon appears on mobile devices and I need it to be displayed on devices when resizing and returning back.

  10. Hello! I have found that my GSAP code does not work as expected when I use the matchMedia parameter.


    The fact is that if I add an animation position (for example, in my case '<') when resizing when the window width is greater than 767, my square disappears (which is correct, because the condition is not met).


    But as soon as I return the width of the window and it becomes less than 767, the red square does not reappear.


    At what this error is observed only if I specify the position of the animation, for example '<').


    It's pretty interesting. Can you please tell me if this is a bug or how can I use the position in my timeline and the matchMedia value at the same time?


    Really looking forward to your reply.


    Link to my codepen:

    See the Pen PoxNZwq by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  11. Hello dear GSAP community! 😍 Today, for educational purposes, I'm dealing with the topic of parallax and I want to do one simple idea using gsap.


    There is only one background in my univesity project.

    My idea is that during scrolling the background "shifts" in height not significantly when you scroll. This effect should work while scrolling throughout the page, not just at the beginning. Thus creating a simple parallax effect.


    I took the sample code from my parallax demo, but damn it doesn't want to work.


    And I don't think I understand how parallaxes work at all. Therefore, I will be glad to any help from you and good advice.

    The task seems easy, but for some reason I got stuck on it.


    I also attach small codepen example, that you can check:


    Thank you very much for any help in advance!

    See the Pen OJorPBj by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  12. Oh yeah! This is exactly what I was looking for.


    And damn, I couldn't see it in the documentation when I was looking for a solution.


    And if I want to assign the defaults value only for the gsap animation that is running in this place, do I need to use only a timeline? Is there any way I can't do it NON-globally for gsap?

  13. Hello GSAP community! I'm learning about GSAP and came across a simple problem in my study project.


    I made an effect in which when hovering over an element, it gets scale: 1.1, and the rest get opacity: .4 and scale: .8


    But I want to make it so that when the cursor leaves the element that was hovered over, there is a delay during which if the person has time to hover over another, there will be no return to the properties:

    gsap.to(othersItem, {
    	scale: 1,
    	opacity: 1,
    	clearProps: "scale"


    If you now try to move the cursor from the active element to any other element with opacity, you will encounter the fact that at the moment when the cursor is not on the active element there will be a slight "twitch" of all elements. This is due to the fact that the mouseleave property is triggered.


    I hope I explained my problem clearly. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them.

    And I will be very glad if you help me. I'm sure I'm on the right track


    I also attach my codepen with this problem here:

    See the Pen OJowYvJ by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  14. Hello GSAP family! I have a very interesting problem with which I hope you can help me.


    I have 5 elements


    that I want to first show in the center (one after the other in the same place) and then return them to their original position.


    You can see how I try to do this in my codepen:


    And after the animation completes, I want to give the elements a scale value when hovering over them.

    I'm trying to do it via position absolute and position: 

    position: "absolute",

    And then I position the elements through the left: 0 property.

    But this is a "crutch". Because in this case, I will have to position each element with absolute positioning and there will obviously be problems during adaptivity (because eventually I will have to change the position of the elements and make them two in a row).


    I am sure that GSAP has some simple solution for my problem. Perhaps you could help me?

    I've been thinking about how to do this for two days now. And to be honest already desperate

    See the Pen KKxXVYL by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen


    Thanks for the quick response! Your idea works well, but on top of my backgrounds there will be other content (text, some pictures) and that content will have a z-index larger to be clickable. With this approach, I simply won’t be able to hover over the block area that I need. I will attach screenshot of what my page should look (with backgrounds)


    Therefore, I am attached to tracking the position of the cursor.


    Your animation certainly works more predictably, but I don't know how to adapt it to my task.

    Do you have any ideas how to make this when I have content with higher z-index?




  16. Hello dear GSAP community.


    I want to create an effect where we follow the user's cursor and actually split the screen into 3 equal parts in width.


    If the user is on the left side, we show him one background, if the second is in the center, and if on the right, then the third.

    I wrote a small script that keeps track of the position of the cursor each time and performs an animation. Also I try to appropriate at this moment value GSAP to.


    But I am facing three problems.


    1) gsap animation is performed on every mouse movement (and I want the background to appear when the user has moved to a certain part of the screen and disappear when he leaves it). And then it appeared again when hovering again (without the flickering effect).


    2) If you stop at one of the backgrounds, then for some reason another background may appear at that moment


    3) Initially, I want to set all backgrounds to autoAlpha: 0 (in function hiddenThreeBG(), but then on the first hover, all backgrounds are visible for 1 second.


    I think that there is a mistake in just 1 or 2 places. I want to know where.

    I would be extremely grateful for any help from each of you.


    See the Pen ZEMJPao by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  17. Hello my friends from GSAP. I continue to study your wonderful tool and faced a new task, which I have been struggling with for the second day.


    I have an animation of the appearance of links to different categories (headerItem) and the links appear when each page of the categories is loaded.


    There is also an animation for each of the 3 categories (with each category having its own animation). For example, I took the animation of one of the pages (standardAnim function). Each animation for a category is moved to a separate function.


    Animation for links (where the headerItem is) on the categories is shown separately because it is on each of these pages.


    I want all the animations that are in the standardAnim function to run immediately on page load without waiting for the headerItem to load.


    I tried setting position to 1 but that didn't help. All animations that go further in the timeline continue to wait for the headerItem to load

    How can I solve my problem? I will be grateful for any help. I really want to teach how to create something cool like guys who have 100 questions and answers 😅



    See the Pen YzOxLWN by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  18. Hello! I'm just learning GSAP and my question may seem simple. I have 4 elements with the same class and I want them to appear one after the other in my timeline.

    Now I'm trying to make it an array, but they still appear at the same time.


    Please help me solve what seems to me not a difficult problem. And tell me where I went wrong


    I attach link to codepen example:

    See the Pen ExemGwZ by ProjectDCL (@ProjectDCL) on CodePen

  19. 55 minutes ago, GSAP Helper said:

    К сожалению, это слишком сложно, чтобы найти решение неполадки на предполагаемых сайтах. Задействовано слишком много факторов, и с такими вещами нельзя возиться, как в CodePen/Stackblitz. Интересно, вы просто использовали старую/требуемую версию GSAP в своем проекте? Чем еще отличается демо CodePen от ошибочного проекта? Я бы порекомендовал приблизительные результаты так, чтобы они значительно снизили расходы на другого друга, а затем медленно включили варианты, чтобы приблизить его к вашему «реальному» проекту, пока он не сломается, и тогда вы точно узнаете, в чем проблема. 


    Конечно, мы были бы рады подписчику на минимальную демонстрацию , иллюстрирующую проблему. 

    No, I download the latest build from npm. Also, as a test, I tried to connect the latest version of GSAP and ScrollTrigger from CDN (The result is the same).


    In fact, my solution differs only in that I use the Galp assembly (but I eliminated the factor of problems associated with gluing and other things by simply connecting the CDN for the test).

    I also use images in slides instead of text as in the example.


    Okay, I'll try to send a more detailed version soon.

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