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Israel Noah

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Everything posted by Israel Noah

  1. Phewks it works now...I went through my code keenly typing each line, getting the flow and hunt down the bug...thanks OSU Blake for the quick response..I appreciate it..and for the gsock creators and fraternity...big thanks it has made me improve my website's aesthetic features of animations.. it's easier and better..
  2. I'm instead getting a function of scrollTrigger when I console.log it
  3. My file size is 1.6 mbs and here the max size is 500 kb taking me time to scale down cause I also have the gsap member file included..
  4. Let me drop the project in afew you check it out
  5. Error message: Invalid property scrollTrigger set to > Object { trigger:".square2"} Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin() I have checked that the element is present and the registerPlugin too
  6. Kindly drop a demo if you have on how it would work on a minified file
  7. I just did, but still the same missing plugin message I get
  8. How do get ScrollTrigger to work having downloaded and using the zip download??
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