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About QueenOfRandom

  • Birthday 07/25/1990

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    Reading, video games, walks, pole fitness

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  1. Perfect! I was trying to add height elsewhere and it wasn't working... Pure Friday brain. Thanks Cassie!
  2. Hi all! This is probably going to be something really daft but I am at my wits end looking at this now. So I want some logos to keep scrolling around, looked at this example and all seemed pretty simple. As you can see though my images don't like to appear using the same CSS rules as the boxes. Bringing me to my questions 1. Why? Just what am I missing here haha! 2. Is there a way of doing this with display: flex? I have tried but it then only runs once and restarts, it doesn't send the image back to the beginning like in the example. I am fully aware I am being a doughnut and have probably missed something obvious, but I need help :D
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