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Posts posted by DevC

  1. Hi, I have this autoplay progress bar below. I've added clickHandlers to [Step 1, etc] and the bar zooms to the clicked step and stops, but I'm having a bit of trouble organizing the accompanying tweens.

    1. Animating the active step label and the previous.
    2. Transitioning the slide.

    Thank you!

    See the Pen xxMOqdL by dcha (@dcha) on CodePen

  2. Hi, this demo is designed to color each word as you scroll through the page. I elected to use classes because there are items in the array that need to be styled differently and I couldn't figure out how to do that with `to` properties.

    If you scroll fast or back and forth you'll notice words don't drop their class and stay colored. I'm curious how to combat this or how you would build this correctly.

    See the Pen WNLpgMw by dcha (@dcha) on CodePen

  3. Hi,


    Experiencing some glitches with horizontalLoop helper. I have list items overlapping and popping in and out like image shown below. Just wondering if my implementation is off or if the helper is not quite the tool for this component. I attempted to use this at the most basic case, but still experiencing some issues. Thanks for any help.


    See the Pen gOQggvx by dcha (@dcha) on CodePen

  4. Thanks for the help. Last one for you. There's a sweet spot around the scrollMarkers where you can end up with no bar visible on the screen. It dumps all the hsla values to zero and then animates to the next value. I reckon this is something to do with toggleActions which incidentally doesn't allow you to go through the animation in reverse. Any thoughts?

  5. @Cassie. That gets me close. It's okay if the color changing piece restarts at each `gradientTrigger`, but when you're inside section like this it should be stepping through the gradient object at each vh. So another foreach that runs in the bigger foreach? 🤔

    <div class="gradientTrigger">
      <section class="vh"></section>
      <section class="vh"></section>
      <section class="vh"></section>





    I have this fixed svg at the bottom of the page and I'm trying to do 1 thing.



    I'd like to be able to wrap sections in a class (.gradientTrigger) and control the svg bar animation as you scroll over them. At the bottom of this demo I have section with 3 scenes (GradientBar). Looking for a clean way to animate the linear gradient as each one hits the viewport.



    See the Pen GRGaLvV by dcha (@dcha) on CodePen

  7. Thanks for the help. This is getting closer, but one thing I can't figure out. Each `scene` is going to have it's own image sequence. I need to run through the sequence before transitioning to the next scene. Playing with your example, after adding any siblings after the one with the image sequence it no longer scrubs through the images.

    For simplicity, this fork doesn't actually use anymore image sequences, only more scenes. Don't want to complicate.

    See the Pen rNKgbJp by dcha (@dcha) on CodePen


  8. I've simplified the code so the video piece doesn't confuse anyone. The desired outcome is a pinned container with 4 stacked sections within. I'd like each section to stay pinned until you've scrolled through the full animated sequence. I've thought using a scroller might be the solution or a timeline within a timeline, but I know these can get very complicated.

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