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About The_Orange_Dot

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  1. Hello. I'm currently trying to create a vertical menu selector using one of GSAP's example codes as the base (this one: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/RwKwLWK). I don't really have too much trouble customizing the code from a horizontal scroll to a vertical, and it seems to work fine on the codepen. However, when I used the code in VScode, it jumps around when trying to loop back from finish to start again randomly rather than seamlessly looping. The code in the VScode is the exact same code in the codepen. My page component doesnt have anything in it besides the codepen code. I'm not sure what's wrong with it. Screen Recording 2023-10-09 at 20.44.36.mov
  2. Hi, I'm somewhat new here and I'm currently having problems with the ScrollTrigger plugin's pin function. For some reason, when the trigger is fired, thing I'm trying to pin to the top of the screen jumps down to the end of the scroll trigger. But when I scroll back up, the pin would work somewhat fine. I started a new project to test it out on Nextjs and it still jumps, but when i had this in codepen it worked flawlessly. I've added a screenshot of the code (with inline styling so you can see it all on one screenshot) and video link below. Thanks in advanced! Here's a link to the problem on youtube:
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