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Everything posted by Sunflair

  1. I have what I think is a similar question. I want to build a tween that looks like this: gsap.to(".heart`${life}`,{opacity:0, duration 1.5, y:-50, delay:4.7}); Depending on what round it is, life will be 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 or 0. How can I do that in a tween? I am having problems incorporating the `${.life}` in the tween. I looked in the documentation, and could not find my answer. If you point me to it, that would be nice
  2. If I were working with regular images, I could do it. I don't know how to 'touch' background image in the Body.
  3. I am working on a program that transitions the background image depending the level the player is on. The line of code is: document.body.style.backgroundImage =`url(/dist/asset.round${round}.png)`; I would like the background to fade in or out to reveal the next level's background image. I am really not picky about the transition, I just want to get rid of the abruptness of the change. How do I target the background image to alter opacity, duration 2? I am working in Javascript.
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