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Everything posted by theRemy79

  1. Hey all! Was hoping someone could tell me why tl.pause and tl.play on my button isn't affecting the repeating loop. Thanks!
  2. Ahh yes of course, thanks here's the demo that was a fork from above - https://codepen.io/remy79/pen/bGoQZKe
  3. Sorta, I tried this: xPercent: i ? -100 : 0 but for some reason only two of the panels scroll instead of the 5, but yeah its scrolling in the right direction now.
  4. @GreenSock In your example above from codepen if you change the yPercent to xPercent you get the effect of right to left instead of down to up, then I assumed if you changed xPercent 1 ? 100 : 0 to xPercent 1 ? 0 : 100 but that doesn't seem to work. panels.forEach((panel,i)=>{ // first panel should start already in place, and last panel should end in the center. tl.fromTo(panel, { xPercent: i ? 100 : 0 },{ xPercent: i === panels.length - 1 ? 0 : -100, duration: i === 0 || i === panels.length - 1 ? 0.5 : 1, ease: "none", }, "-=0.5"); });
  5. How would you reverse the animation from "right to left" to "left to right" instead?
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