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Posts posted by mcgrealife

  1. Live site: https://landing-property.vercel.app/
    Source: https://github.com/mcgrealife/landing-property (see readme for "Open in gitpod" button)

    Problem 0: "Choppy frame rate"
    On less powerful devices, the ScrollTrigger scrub animations appear "choppy" similar to 10fps videos.
    Interestingly, it's not a problem on localhost. 
    Here is a screen recording of an iPhoneSE2020 playing the same animations on the live site, and then localhost. 
    It's a subtle difference on this newer device, but hopefully illustrates the problem.

    Technologies and techniques:
    - Next.JS, React (97% of gsap code is inside of useEffect())
    - Primary technique is create to create many (11) `gsap.timeline({scrollTrigger}).to.to` . Gsap objects are not stored in variables.
    - Most of these have `scrub: true`
    - To avoid managing duplicate shared code in MatchMedia, computed variables that check `isDesktop?` are used. 
    - Instead of hard-coding position change values (i.e. distance), that are different for mobile and desktop, these values are also computed based on dynamic image heights
    - Images were optimized using ImageOptim
    - Images are display: "none", until needed, then display:"none" after (to prevent animations off screen)
    - I tested will-change: transform on a few elements (such as the div id="tabSelector"), but it did not seem to help
    - tailwindCSS was used, so it's a little harder to see the output CSS. 

    Some questions I have about techniques:
    1. Should I be storing gsap objects in variables, and killing them manually? 
    2. Is it bad practice to create a ScrollTrigger inside each gsap.timeline()
    3. Why are animations performant on localhost, but not when deployed to vercel?
    4. Is there a way to use MatchMedia without duplicating code? Such as storing the shared portions in variables? – I actually tried this and it decreased performance. Currently, ScrollTriggers.getAll() shows 11 scrollTriggers on page load. When I tried MatchMedia, it returned around 22.

    - Glad to pay professional rates

    Start / End dates:
    - Flexible

    Note: If this "choppy frame rate" problem can be solved, then there are 2 other animation problems described in the source code readme (titled "problem 1" and "problem 2")

    Thanks for offering your services here.


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