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Everything posted by Imager

  1. Thank you very much, works like a charm! The 1.8.3 addition sounds good and I'll be using it that way as I move into using the new version. Thanks again! -Teemu
  2. I have been using GSAP on a recent web-site development to which I planned on giving a speed boost by applying the latest version of GSAP. I modified my code to support the latest changes in the API, but couldn't get the following code to work anymore. // worked on 1.6.4. // obj is a <img> node fetched with jquery obj[0].currentFrame = 1; var tLine = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tLine.fromTo(obj, animationDuration,{currentFrame:1},{currentFrame:parseInt(fc)+3, onUpdate:animation, onUpdateParams:[obj], ease:Linear.easeNone}); Previously this tween set and changed the currentFrame property accordingly, but 1.8.x doesn't. Did I miss something down the line? Thanks, -Teemu
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