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  1. zinjo

    problems if animation

    I solved the issue searching in the foruns with the fromTo method. Anyways I'm going to leave the old code here if anyone wants to give me some general advice. Thx for the sharing space.
  2. Hi! I'm trying to animate some images with GSAP that come in and out of an interface by hovering some buttons. Everything is working fine but sometimes if you move between hovers very fast, one block can make a wrong move. Im overall new to gsap and javascript, so it may be some logic problem i can't find Does someone knows what it can be? I tried changing the whole thing and even made a simple model to see it in a cleaner code.
  3. Spot on!! Thank you so much, your anwser goes way beyong my expectations. I see i still have a lot to learn in javascript and gsap. Anyways, thanks again, GSAP support community is amazing.
  4. Hi! I'm new to javascript and found gsap while trying to animate some objects. I was trying to animate this sequence of squares to create a gallery effect but the result is very unpredictable, sometimes works all fine, but when i hover from one square to another some squares don't reverse the animation and end up in wrong positions. It's like if when i play a timeline right after another, and both timelines have animations to a certain objetc, the first timeline overrides the second and then, the objects end in the wrong position. How can i avoid this? Another issue i'm having is that i wanted both properties "scale" and "transform" to change the object simultaneously (i believe this way the animation would be smoother), but the way it is, the object first scales and then transforms. Does anyone knows what am I missing? Thanks a lot!
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