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yvette watson

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  1. Thank you so much!! Worked like a charm and incredibly simple. Yes. I have repeating code on each frame—I saw an example of a slideshow you described ie. images side by side instead of on separate frames. I'll need to look at it again, if you think it's a better solution. Thank you again for your help.
  2. Hello All I'm relatively new to Flash and Greensock and thank you in advance for your patience and assistance. The code below is for a slideshow. The movieclip slides and fades in and out and then goes to the next frame. I want the play and pause buttons to "pause/resume" the tween but it just goes to the next frame. Thank you import com.greensock.*;//imports greensock TweenEngine import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.FramePlugin; stop(); //: Variables ========================= //adds images dynamically var intro_mc:g1_intro_mc = new g1_intro_mc(); addChild(intro_mc); intro_mc.x=-intro_mc.width; intro_mc.y=4; intro_mc.alpha=0; //: Functions ========================= var fadesIn_1:TweenLite = new TweenLite(intro_mc, 2, {delay:3,alpha:1, x:4, y:4,onComplete:fadesOut_1}); var fadesOut_1:TweenLite = new TweenLite(intro_mc, 2, {delay:11,alpha:0, x:stage.stageWidth, y:4, onComplete:nxt2, overwrite:false}); function nxt2():void {removeChild(intro_mc);gotoAndPlay("2");} //Button EventListeners pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPause); play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navPlay); //Button Functions function navPause(event:MouseEvent):void { fadesIn_1.pause(); trace(intro_mc);} function navPlay(event:MouseEvent):void { fadesOut_1.resume(); trace(intro_mc);}
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