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  1. onUpdate: ScrollTrigger.update, I have added this to the the scrollTrigger and it does not solve the issue in the codepen (also tried it in the gsap.to options as I wasn't sure what the correct place was). According to the other forum posts it is probably a browser issue, thread-related... What I was trying to achieve was exactly this: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/b375e7e4071b7ae285777cda4fd08f76 (not my codepen) But with a custom "scroller" container, instead of scrolling on the body. This pen is what I based my codepen off of, it is almost identical except mine has a custom "scroller" container. This is when the issue occurs.
  2. I think pointer-events: none isn't an option for me, as i need hover and click events within the horizontal scrolling container. The anticipatePin option also didnt seem to fix the issue, sadly. I have already restructured things so that I do not need the "scroller" option anymore (back to default behaviour; scrolling on body). I thought that I really needed the scroller option, but it turns out I don't (yet?), hopefully im not forced to use the "scroller" option later in the project again! (also i think that codepen on the first thread is broken? the animation doesn't tween sometimes) Maybe a comment in the docs on the "scroller" attribute would be helpful about this (browser) issue! Thank you for the assistance, very much appreciated!
  3. Thank you for the quick response @akapowl, I did actually find that thread while searching for a potential solution! Using pinType: "fixed" breaks the scrolling however, and the other solution doesn't seem to do anything ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("#scroller", { pinType: "fixed" }); i've added it to the codepen but the issue still persists...
  4. Im fairly new to gsap, but i have a question about Scrolltrigger with the "scroller" attribute. I have an app with a horizontal scroller, but when i use the scroller attribute instead of the window, there is some jitter in the Y position of the scroller position, which is not present when i do not use the "scroller" attribute. Am I doing something wrong? The issue seems to be worse in firefox (but it can also happen in chrome) Here a gif of the issue: https://gyazo.com/624a2a30cfe13d98e8c53875e59db636
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