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Posts posted by Ramate

  1. Thanks a lot for the answer @mvaneijgen. Yes, I am aware about the capabilities (and magic) of the timeline, but thanks for remembering.

    In the example function above, I use class toggling as a decision, as I am not planing actually to animate with a transition as the timeline could, but take advantage of the triggers to change the state from visible to invisible in each element, synchronised with my content. I could use display:none; for example, by removing the elements totally and adding it back.

    In the exemple function above I switch the visibility of one Lottie animation to the next animation, so I fake a seamless animation. One element appears exactly in the time and position the other disappears.  My animation is made in many pieces (as required from the design I have).

    The animations themselves are actually controlled by lottie player in the case of my project. You can see it here: http://kunden.brueckner.studio/frankwords/


    Unfortunately I could not reproduce the bug as I can see in my project on CodePen. There it seams I have a kind of limitation on the definition of the scroller defaults, (maybe) so it is quite not related to my trouble of resizing the window.  So I would not focus on the minimal demo.

    But I add it here anyway. (:

    See the Pen xxBawaM?editors=1111 by QuitoSometimesMarcos (@QuitoSometimesMarcos) on CodePen


    So I still in the trouble of refreshing the markers after resize, when I have the scrolltriger defaults pointing another scroller.

    Any ideas?


  2. Hello,

    I am using Scrolltrigger to animate several elements of my project. Everything works fine until I resize the window. I am already using ScrollTrigger.refresh(); everytime any element can potentially modify my flow, it still not working.

    I suppose my problem is caused by a custom container I am using as scroller to avoid the weird resizing on mobile browsers, I wrapped my content on and it works fine. But still thought the markers are not being updated when i resize the window.


      scroller: "#scrollable-container",

    Here is one example animation:

    function manageScrollAnimations() {
      const contentRows = document.querySelectorAll(".has-animation");
      contentRows.forEach((row, index) => {
        const animation = row.querySelector(".animation");
        if (index !== 0 && index !== contentRows.length - 1) {
          trigger: row,
          start: "top center",
          end: `bottom center`,
          onEnter: () => {
          onLeave: () => {
            if (index !== contentRows.length - 1) {
          onEnterBack: () => {
          onLeaveBack: () => {
            if (index !== 0 && index !== contentRows.length - 1) {
          markers: true,
          scrub: true,
    //// resize 
      window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);
      function handleResize() {

    I am kind of running out of options. I read something about ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy, that (maybe) can solve my problem (not sure), but I could not understand how to implement it.

    I also used a eventListener, it logs and still thought the markers nothing.

    ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", function () {

    Here is the link of the project, as a code pen would not serve the issue.

    Any thoughts about what can be wrong?

    Thanks a lot 

  3. Thanks a lot Rodrigo,

    I will definitely take a look on the resources you recommended, hope I can find a solution there. 

    Also I will take a look on the possibility of removing the css filters to improve the performance. At the moment I know no other option to achieve the effect of merging bubbles, but there must be another option.

    Thanks again <3

  4. Hey! :)

    I have been studying possibilities to create a repelling effect triggered by my cursor on the "blob-mask" elements of that animation I am creating. The fact is that, after trying different approaches, I have no idea how to  do something like this.

    I found this topic and tried to apply what I leaned there. But the only thing I could do was to break my original code :D

    Does someone could give me some guidance on that task, I am pretty lost.

    Thanks a lot! 


    See the Pen abjLjvZ by QuitoSometimesMarcos (@QuitoSometimesMarcos) on CodePen

  5. Hello @Cassie, thanks a lot for your answer. It worked! ((((::::

    Funny that I have been trying something similar before, adding the last animation to the first timeline,  but in my attempt I didn't include the duration and position parameter.

    So I am now asking myself why the duration would influence the scrollTrigger, as the animation is connected to the scroll distance, and has no defined time in seconds. I am kind of surprised.

    Would you give me a glimpse of it?

    Thanks again!

  6. Hello!

    I would like to have different animations triggered by the same scrollTrigger settings. Most of the animations are added to an Array with a loop, and they work pretty fine.

    One of them is not in the array and didn't worked until I created another timeline with the same scrollTrigger settings. So I was wondering if there is another (and more elegant) solution with just one timeline.

    Following the code I wrote until now. I could not add a codepen as I don't have an pro account to upload the assets.

    Thanks a lot! (:


    let tl = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#cover",
        start: "top top",
        end: "bottom top",
        pin: true,
        pinSpacing: false,
        scrub: true,
        markers: true,
    const delayValue = -30;
    tl.set(".slices", {opacity: 0, scale: 0.1, delay: delayValue});
    const slices = gsap.utils.toArray(".slices");
    const shuffle = (arr) => {
      for (let i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]];
      return arr;
    const shuffled = shuffle(slices);
    slices.forEach((slice) => {
      tl.to(slice, {
        scale: 1,
        opacity: 0.85,
        delay: delayValue,
      }).to(slice, {
        scale: 0.85,
        opacity: 0,
    const gr1 =
      "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(87, 103, 56, 1) 0%, rgba(204, 128, 97, 1) 20%, rgba(138, 128, 186, 1) 100%)";
    const gr2 =
      "linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(138, 128, 186, 1) 0%, rgba(204, 128, 97, 1) 80%, rgba(87, 103, 56, 1) 100%)";
    let tl1 = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#cover",
        start: "top top",
        end: "bottom top",
        pin: true,
        pinSpacing: false,
        scrub: true,
        markers: true,
    tl1.fromTo(".headline", {backgroundImage: gr1}, {backgroundImage: gr2});


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