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  1. https://codepen.io/undertakerio/pen/mdBJMmG i chose @PointC code and created this final version and now its so perfect and has no any problem
  2. thank you so much for explaining me whole code in basic and simple language you are amazing, if i can meet you ill buy a ice-cream for you for helping me
  3. thank you so much @PointC and @iDad5 i really appreciate you guys for helping me to understand this
  4. thank you so much for being here and suggesting me that, but im so new on gsap like its my second month and im still learning and my java script skills are also bad im only good at html css animations and my Java script is really below average. can you please show me how to write the code you suggested
  5. https://codepen.io/undertakerio/pen/mdBJMmG i updated my code and i used @GreenSocklet randomParagraph = gsap.utils.random(ParagraphArray, true); variable method combining it with @PointC fromTo method i created this new complex long timeline and im using reverse timeline on mouse leave. its working good but only problem when we mouse enter and random variable pick the same paragraph its start the animation from the start which look buggy, is there any way to resume the current selected random variable paragraph incase they got selected again on mouse enter
  6. now i added overwrite:true https://codepen.io/undertakerio/pen/mdBJMmG
  7. https://codepen.io/undertakerio/pen/mdBJMmG i want to know how can i reverse the timeline on mouse leave without writing the same timeline. right now creating two timeliness for on enter and leave is not a issue its working fine but when we have a big timeline then i think it is going to be challenging to rewrite the time line again
  8. wow you replied me @GreenSock it's so cool and i like how you created a variable to store the current random paragraph, thats really smart ill try this too. ill update you guys later
  9. thank you, i think these are very advance for me so ill start with fromTo because i used it so lets see is this going to help me
  10. https://codepen.io/undertakerio/pen/mdBJMmG here i was trying to do it with gsap timeline play and reverse it i dont know is this the correct way to implement it with the timeline because sometime when i do fast mouse in out its skip the selected paragraph and start animating others, its only happen like 1 out of 20 so i thought maybe i should ask you @Cassie
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