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Anton Devyatov

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Everything posted by Anton Devyatov

  1. @CassieSorry! Let me explain more clearly. It's a simplified example, in the full version there are many paths of different length and rectangles are moving along them with different distance between them. There is a variable called currentStagger using which I set the time between two neighbour rectangles (in my initial example it is 1.76 seconds). Lets imagine, that for any path the time between two neighbour rectangles is 15 sec and the time rectangle needs to get from start to finish is 10 sec. It means that I need 5 seconds delay after the first rectangle finishes and the second starts. In the original version I got this effect using repeatDelay parameter. In the approach proposed these rectangles would go without delay coz repeatDelay isn't used. Stop! While writing it, I realized that nothing stops me from setting progress and setting repeatDelay simultaneously... Seems as I'm idiot, sorry
  2. @OSUblake the problem with this approach in my particular case is that repeatDelay excluded from the settings and everything gets independent of currentStagger. In the full visualization there are many paths with different time between elements on them. I.e. currentStagger varies for different paths and in many cases it is longer than time rectangle needs to get from start to finish. In the suggested approach the second rectangle will appear right after the first one finishes without delay even when it's needed. Less important thing is that the path precisely divided into rectangles which also distorts the set distance between them (you can see in my example that while the first rectangle dissapears, the last one gets into the view)
  3. @OSUblake @PointC Thank you for your advice! In fact my timeline is a bit more complicated then it was shown. I have added my initial Codepen so now it's much more like my real one. I'm trying to implement proposed techniques but still haven't achieved desired behavior Could you maybe take a look and suggest any idea?
  4. Thank you @OSUblake ! Progress is definitely the right way, but in my real timeline there are several tweens and I'd like to apply it to the whole piece. Is it possible to affect not a single tween but the whole timeline?
  5. I'm wondering how to start this animation from the end of the path? I.e. I want these rectangles to fill the path from the very start. I guess, it should be something with gsap.from but I haven't figured out
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