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Posts posted by roman999

  1. The problem was a beginner's mistake I made to add another widget:

    document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + ...;

    That apparently reset gsap's event handling code. Adding the proper way, document.createElement(...)  with document.body.append(...)  made the problem disappear.


    I still don't understand why the DOM DnD event handlers were added in particular situations instead of emptyFunc() (which I think cannot be seen by logging since the DOM lacks the necessary tooling) but my immediate problem is resolved. @OSUblake and @Cassie, I appreciate your help.

    • Like 2
  2. 56 minutes ago, Cassie said:

    Really not sure what you mean by 'the event listeners are not attaching'

    Are you sure the JS is actually running? Can you console log through and work out where it's going wrong?

    You can see what I mean in the screenshots I posted earlier in this thread. When I ran the sorter outside of my code, the ondragstart method on one of the list-items shows a proper value. When run inside my code, it shows _emptyFunc. If the sort code wasn't running, ondragstart would be null but I confirmed the code is running via browser Developer Tools's debugger. Draggable doesn't seem to be setting the list-itemsevent handlers properly in a certain context but I'm not sure what context to change. Hopefully a minimal demo will clarify things but it's going to be some work.


    Cassie, you're being a great help, I really appreciate it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Cassie said:

    Hey @roman999


    • No need to import from 'dist' with ES Modules. Just import { Draggable } from "gsap/Draggable";

    Thanks Cassie! I used the dist directory to dispose of this Jest error that occurs when using the import as you showed. Any idea what is going on? 


        import { getGlobalMatrix, Matrix2D } from "./utils/matrix.js";
        SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
           5 | import {sort} from '../jsonOut';
           6 | import {gsap} from 'gsap';
        >  7 | import {Draggable} from "gsap/Draggable";
             | ^
           8 | export class Sort implements Exercise {
           9 |      inst="";
          10 |      ans=[];
          at Runtime.createScriptFromCode (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:1350:14)
          at Object.<anonymous> (src/ts/main/exercise/sort.ts:7:1)


  4. 14 hours ago, OSUblake said:

    Are you registering the plugin? If you're having issues, can make a demo CodeSandbox, which allows for imports and TypeScript?

    I did register the plugin, I neglected to add that line in the code above. I worked on CodeSandbox:


    I don't know if the *.ts file is actually being called or if the sandbox is publicly viewable. The behavior is the same as I see locally, but I had to make some minor adjustments to get it to display the HTML and show the *.ts file without errors. There's still two issues involving this but I think they won't prevent compilation.


    Contact me through codesandbox and I'll make you an editor if you're willing to explore this more. I suspect a problem exists with gsap's Draggable when used as a module.

  5. 18 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

    You are inspecting an element, which has similarly named event handlers, but those aren't the same events as Draggable. You should be inspecting what Draggable returns, i.e. dragger. The event handlers will be in the vars object.



    I attached three screen shots:

    1. The es6 vars object, as you requested.
    2. The js vars object, for comparison. It appears to be identical.
    3. The js version of the screenshot posted earlier, showing the onDragStart event of element. It shows a function there. Since GSAP ultimately must set events on dom objects, element in this case, the screenshot I posted earlier may show a problem.






    I am attempting to use the code from




    while converting to GSAP 3, es6, and Typescript. The old code works fine and I updated it to GSAP 3 syntax, still no problem. However, when I use the code in a Typescript application with imports in the *.ts file rather than script tags in the HTML file the event handlers do not get added. Developer Tools shows "_emptyFunc" (screenshot attached as comment). This use case is incompatible with CodePen, at least without payment, but here is part of my code. 

    import {gsap} from 'gsap';
    import {Draggable} from "gsap/dist/Draggable";
    	addBehavior():void {
    		const rowSize = 100; // => container height / number of items
    		const container = document.querySelector(".container");
    		const listItems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".list-item")); // Array of elements
    		const sortables = listItems.map(Sortable); // Array of sortables
    		const total = sortables.length;
    		gsap.to(container, { duration: 0.5, autoAlpha: 1 });
    		function Sortable(element, index) {
    			const animation = gsap.to(element, { duration: 0.3,
    				boxShadow: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0px 16px 32px 0px",
    				force3D: true,
    				scale: 1.1,
    				paused: true
    			const dragger = new Draggable(element, {
    				onDragStart: downAction,
    				onRelease: upAction,
    				onDrag: dragAction,
    				cursor: "inherit",
    				type: "y"
    			// Public properties and methods
    			const sortable = {
    				dragger: new Draggable(element, {
    					onDragStart: downAction,
    					onRelease: upAction,
    					onDrag: dragAction,
    					cursor: "inherit",
    					type: "y"
    				element: element,
    				index: index,
    				setIndex: setIndex
    			// gsap.set(element, { y: index * rowSize });
    			function setIndex(index) {
    				sortable.index = index;
    				// Don't layout if you're dragging
    				if (!dragger.isDragging) layout();
    			function downAction() {
    			function dragAction() {
    				// Calculate the current index based on element's position
    				const index = clamp(Math.round(this.y / rowSize), 0, total - 1);
    				if (index !== sortable.index) changeIndex(sortable, index);
    			function upAction() {
    			function layout() {
    				gsap.to(element, { duration: 0.3, y: sortable.index * rowSize });
    			return sortable;
    		function changeIndex(item, to) {
    			// Change position in array
    			arrayMove(sortables, item.index, to);
    			// Set index for each sortable
    			const order = [];
    			sortables.forEach((sortable, index) => {
    				const content = sortable.element.innerText;
    		// Changes an elements's position in array
    		function arrayMove(array, from, to) {
    			array.splice(to, 0, array.splice(from, 1)[0]);
    		// Clamps a value to a min/max
    		function clamp(value, a, b) {
    			return value < a ? a : value > b ? b : value;


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