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Anthony Beaumecker

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  1. Thank you ! But, when I want to use Motion Path PLugin or Motion SVG PLugin, I get this error message that appears: Is this a pay-per-use feature?
  2. Hello, I am new to GSAP. I am trying to make an animation with a ball that would follow a specific path when scrolling the page. The start of the animation goes well, the ball follows the path that I indicate to it, but when I start to add several steps to my animation, the positioning that I indicated at the beginning does not correspond at all to what I want. initially wished. I posted a video so that you can better visualize the subject of my request: Here is also the code I have currently done which allowed me to do what you saw in the video above. ballAnimations() { let tlHome = new TimelineMax(); tlHome.to('.ball', 0.3,{ x: 0, y: 353, ease: "power2.out" }, 0) tlHome.to('.ball', 0.3,{ x: 71, y: 409, ease: "power2.out" }, 0.68) const sceneHome = this.$scrollmagic.scene({ triggerElement: '.hHome', triggerHook: 0, duration: 3000, reverse: true, }) .setTween(tlHome) .addIndicators() .setPin('.hHome') this.$scrollmagic.addScene(sceneHome) }
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