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Everything posted by JIZA

  1. due to some bugs in the library, such an implementation option as mine came up. Now you need to somehow rotate the element hehe)
  2. https://codesandbox.io/s/lingering-bird-wggrl There is an element next to the car How to turn it when turning the car? It's hard for some reason for me
  3. https://codesandbox.io/s/lingering-bird-wggrl Hello guys! How to make the car turn, for example by 30%, when cornering?
  4. not working for me( tried removing points and smoothing paths, ends up even worse
  5. Thank you, I will try to smooth the corners. If it doesn’t work out, I will write here) Didn't quite understand what you mean
  6. Oops, I threw off the wrong sandbox (Updated post https://codesandbox.io/s/lingering-bird-wggrl
  7. https://codesandbox.io/s/lingering-bird-wggrl Hey guys! I have a problem, I can not make smooth turns without jerking. This happens when the car approaches the bridge. I tried to smooth the svg path itself, but for some reason it turns out even worse. by using https://yqnn.github.io/svg-path-editor/ PathCars : M 2313.22 1939.62 c -132.3 -0.39 -245.6 -39.38 -250.35 -41.04 l -2.3 -0.8 l -118.57 -50.78 l -24.63 -14.71 c -118 -79 -195.57 -113.86 -260.37 -131.29 c -56.19 -11.24 -109.8 -23.43 -123.8 -30.43 l -16.41 -7.21 l -16.76 -9.71 l -139.04 -77.25 c -73.38 -40.07 -130.76 -86.57 -170.54 -138.19 c -38.74 -50.28 -61.47 -105.73 -67.55 -164.81 c -5.29 -51.4 2.21 -104.72 22.28 -158.49 c 14.89 -39.88 36.76 -80.1 65.01 -119.54 c 45.78 -63.92 93.09 -104.86 98.34 -109.32 l 2.08 -1.77 l 1.65 -1.24 c 2.17 -1.69 45.49 -35.71 94.8 -93.37 c 44.72 -52.3 104.01 -135.73 132.52 -236.2 c 20.59 -72.55 65.39 -134.53 133.15 -184.22 c 49.01 -35.93 110.15 -65.26 181.74 -87.16 c 100.09 -30.62 193.19 -38.25 221.78 -44.37 c 72.73 -12.48 136.3 -16.01 202.43 -9.78 c 55.07 5.19 108.88 16.95 159.92 34.97 c 67.53 23.83 113.29 52.7 133.31 66.75 c 16.29 7.63 46.63 23.36 80.12 48.25 c 64.92 48.27 112.72 109.48 138.22 177.02 c 18.4 48.73 25.55 100.85 21.25 154.9 c -4.65 58.4 -22.84 119.5 -54.08 181.6 c -65.48 130.2 -47.14 241.55 -25.9 370.48 c 10.66 64.7 21.68 131.6 21.4 202.27 c -0.33 84.07 -16.99 160.3 -50.95 233.06 c -20.42 43.77 -47.41 82.12 -80.21 114.01 c -29.97 29.14 -65.08 53.13 -104.33 71.32 C 2467.45 1925.06 2394.71 1939.62 2313.22 1939.62 z z The car twitches, how can I fix it? (
  8. Thank you very much. You have a great library, I recently started using and learning about it. Cool?
  9. https://codesandbox.io/s/zen-sunset-jf3fm?file=/src/App.js When motionPath{ start: 0.5, end: -0.65, } Animation fires twice, how to fix it in React? Because, I need the element to start moving near the start and end at the finish https://prnt.sc/1zbakcb And how to align so that the movement follows the path of the road
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