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  1. @mikel Yess, got it working for my situation. Thank you so much for the example to help me understand.
  2. @mikel Thanks for your reply, but I'm still not sure how to finish the animation in my example. At the moment when I hover out, the animation stops abrupt. What I'm looking for is when I hover out the animation of the inside element should finish its animation cycle.
  3. Hi All, Its been a while, but I still havent got it working ;-(. When I hover over the dark div, the smaller whiteblock inside should be starting an looping animation. Also, at the moment on Hover Out the animation reverses and stops, but what it should do is finish its animation and then stop. I'm new to Gsap and JavaScipt. https://codepen.io/jojoba007/pen/JjOJxEg
  4. @Carl One last question. I have multiple white blocks with the same class name. If I hover over them I dont want them to start all at once, but only the one that I hover over at that moment. I tried to use an array, but no result yet. See CodePen below. At the moment the white blocks all start at once. https://codepen.io/jojoba007/pen/ExvRNZW
  5. Thanks @Carl for the information. I indeed tried to give the variable another name, but same issue. I'll look into it. I suspect it has to do with the build in java editor of Oxygen Builder.
  6. @Carl One more question regarding the code. Your example isn't working on my Wordpress installation with the latest Gsap installed. The only code that works for me is the one in the CodePen below. When I use your js code I get the following error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier "tween" has already been declared on line #1". But I have never declared it anywhere before. I use Wordpress Oxygen Builder and I use the code inside a Oxygen Builder Code Block. See screenshot with error: https://prnt.sc/1yqzysn This is the CodePen that is currently active, but does work on my installation: https://codepen.io/jojoba007/pen/VwzxPLJ Any idea why your code isn't working on my Wordpress install with Oxygen Builder? You say it seems i'm using an old Gsap version, but I installed the latest version 3.8.0
  7. Awesome, thanks for the solution. This is exactly what I was looking for and I understand what you did there. The only issue is that I indeed think I have an older version of Gsap and ScrollTrigger installed. I use Gsap together with Soffly Oxygen Builder. I downloaded the zip from the Greensock website. Not sure how I got it anymore I think I need to re-upload the newer js files.
  8. Wow, thanks for the quick respons. I now see my error. One thing that your example doesnt do is finish it's animation after hover leave. It abruptly stops the animation. Is it possible the animation finishes it cycle to it's original stance before stoping? And thanks for the link to the course
  9. Hi, I'm new to Greenstock. I have an block inside a div that should play a repeating animation when the mouse is hovered over the main Div. It also should stop playing the animation (after the animation loop is finished) when on Mouse Hover Leave. I tried to find a solution on the forums, but for now only got it partly working. See my CodePen. Hope to get some tips.
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