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Puneet Sharma

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Everything posted by Puneet Sharma

  1. I have created a scrollTrigger animation with Morphing on an SVG. Animation action can be found here: I am having an issue with making is performant on Macbook Google Chrome Browser. The animation is working not perfectly but well enough in safari, but I can see major issues in chrome. When I did performance profiling I could see a lot of red fps areas when I scrolled past the animation. What are the things I can try apart from force3D: true // Make sure to register Morph Plugin. gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin); // Morph can only happen between path, make sure to convert any // other type of element from SVG to path using covertToPath() MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath('circle, rect, ellipse, line, polygon, polyline'); // Dynamically Set the height of Hero Section to the // Height of the screen. document.querySelector('.location_island').style.height = window.innerHeight; const screenSize = document.body.clientWidth; let animationData = []; let percetageScroll = 80; if (screenSize <= 900) { percetageScroll = 50; animationData = [ { el: 'svg #stage_1', title: '.location_1', index: 6, label: 'stage1', }, { el: 'svg #stage_2_mobile', title: '.location_1', index: 5, label: 'stage2', in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el_mobile', '.location_1'], out: ['#center-title', 'svg #stage_1 #other'], }, { label: 'wait_1', }, { el: 'svg #stage_3_mobile', title: '.location_2', index: 4, label: 'stage3', in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_3_el_mobile', '.location_2'], out: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el_mobile', '.location_1'], }, { label: 'wait_2', }, ]; } else { animationData = [ { el: 'svg #stage_1', title: '.location_1', index: 1, label: 'stage1', }, { el: 'svg #stage_2', title: '.location_1', index: 2, label: 'stage2', in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el', '.location_1'], out: ['#center-title', 'svg #stage_1 #other'], }, { label: 'wait_1', }, { el: 'svg #stage_3', title: '.location_2', index: 3, label: 'stage3', in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_3_el', '.location_2'], out: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el', '.location_1'], }, { label: 'wait_2', }, ]; } // Initialize the timeline. const timeline = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.main_location_wrapper', start: 'top 70px', end: '+=' + (animationData.length + 1) * percetageScroll + '%', // each section is 60% of the viewport height scrub: 1, pin: true, force3D: true, }, }); // markers: true // Remove first item from array and start to Looping to set animation. animationData.slice(1).forEach((step) => { timeline.addLabel(step.label); // Animate Each item together. if (step.el) { // Safe Variable Declaration. let svgMorphOut = 'svg #stage_1'; let svgMorphIn = step.el; // SAND let svgInSand = svgMorphIn + ' ' + '#sand' + '-' + step.index; let svgOutSand = svgMorphOut + ' ' + '#sand'; // LAND let svgInLand = svgMorphIn + ' ' + '#land' + '-' + step.index; let svgOutLand = svgMorphOut + ' ' + '#land'; timeline.to( svgOutSand, { morphSVG: svgInSand, ease: 'power1.out', }, step.label ); timeline.to( svgOutLand, { morphSVG: svgInLand, ease: 'power1.out', }, step.label ); // For Stage 2; if (step.index === 2) { timeline.to( 'svg', { xPercent: 50, ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); timeline.zoom( '.location_island', { scale: 4.5, origin: [0.70, 0.40], ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); } if (step.index === 3) { timeline.to( 'svg', { xPercent: -40, ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); timeline.zoom( '.location_island', { scale: 5.5, origin: [0.10, 0.63], ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); } if (step.index === 4) { timeline.to( 'svg', { yPercent: -10, xPercent: 10, ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); timeline.zoom( '.location_island', { scale: 2.6, origin: [0.45, 0.42], ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); } if (step.index === 5) { timeline.to( 'svg', { yPercent: -13, xPercent: 10, ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); timeline.zoom( '.location_island', { scale: 2.1, origin: [0.4, 0.42], ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label ); } step.in.forEach((item) => { timeline.fromTo( item, { autoAlpha: 0, display: 'none', }, { autoAlpha: 1, display: 'block', ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label + '+=15%' ); }); step.out.forEach((item) => { timeline.fromTo( item, { autoAlpha: 1, display: 'block', }, { autoAlpha: 0, display: 'none', ease: 'power1.inOut', }, step.label + '-=15%' ); }); } else { timeline.to('svg', { duration: 0.5 }, step.label); } });
  2. Hey Cassie, yes the image is not in the codepen. The background image is on the website. I was able to integrate with the issue, as I fixed a Yarn issue. You can see the issue on the link (I.P)
  3. I am creating a page which basically, has a map animation section where the animation on codepen has to go. When I try to set the animation from codepen to the homepage I can see issues with my background image. So the background image on the hompage is from top to bottom which isn't the smartest thing to do, but it was required because of the design that had to be implemented. background is set using : url("/wp-content/themes/lacadives-theme/dist/images/1920px-Desktop-BG.jpg") right center . It actually properly fits the screen size. But when the animation is added my guess is it doesn't fit and it becomes bigger. Starts looking like this. This only happens when pin is true in my scrolltrigger which makes sense as it increses the screen size for the animation to accomodate to the scroll. Is there any way it can be solved with pin:true and it not affecting the background ?
  4. Yes. Sure @Cassie I have cloned the code from github repo to my local system where GSAP ShockinglyGreen Plugin is already installed. Now, 1. When I'm running yarn install, I'm getting 403 error. 2. If I try to install ShockinglyGreen Plugin using the command yarn add gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly , I'm, getting 403 error Yes @Prasanna, I tried the methods mentioned here. With Method 1, I'm getting this error: With Method 2: I had removed @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com from .npmrc file and run the command below After that I followed the steps mentioned here Getting Request failed: 403 forbidden Error with both methods.
  5. Hi @Prasanna I tried both methods mentioned in your last comment but none of them work for me. I'm still getting that 403 Error.
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