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Everything posted by intothebreach

  1. Hi I have been trying to install GSAP Business on my local machine, which has worked without issues in the past. But today I have been getting the following error: npm ERR! code CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! errno CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! request to https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness/-/business-3.12.5.tgz failed, reason: certificate has expired Not sure why we're getting this issue now, as far as I know nothing has changed on our end with our GSAP licence. Do we need to regenerate our installation token and will this effect any of our current live sites using the old installation token? Cheers
  2. Thanks Jack! That works nicely, you're a star. Out of interest is this in the docs at all? Couldn't find it myself.
  3. Hi - this is still a bit of a sticking point for us, as the normaliseScroll function is so useful, disabling it because we have a scroller on the page seems to be un-optimal. Is there a different workaround that we could explore? Cheers
  4. Hi @Prasanna As per your suggestion, I've added the above commands in the "preinstall" script int he package.json - "preinstall": "npm config set @gsap:registry https://npm.greensock.com && npm config set //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken {MY-CODE-HERE}", In theory this should run before the yarn install, and looks like it is doing so, but I still get the error: An unexpected error occurred: "https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness/-/business-3.11.4.tgz: Request failed \"403 Forbidden\"". According to the Digital ocean support, they are using Heroku build packages and sent me this documentation here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#private-dependencies This still feels like the problem is that I cannot call yarn add gsap@npm:@gsap/business before the yarn install process. I'll try with using npm instead of yarn and see if it makes a difference. Thanks, ItB
  5. Hi, Running into issues on deployment here. Main issue is that I cannot run yarn add gsap@npm:@gsap/business before the yarn install command is made in the app build. I have included the .npmrc file as usual. I've been trying to think of work arounds for this, using the postinstall or preinstall scripts, but keep getting caught in infinite loops and its a bit hacky. As far as I can tell there is no way in Digital Ocean to add in any prehooks to the build before the yarn install, but I will reach out to their support too to see if there is. Any help would be appreciated as it is a big pain to not be able to use the business package on a DO static site build. Best, ITB
  6. Hiya, Thanks for the reply! Managed to put this in a plugin and seems to be working well. Thanks! I
  7. Hi, We have a ease from our designers defined as: M0,0,C0.898,0,0.1,1,1,1 We would like to globally register this. The docs though are not to clear on this: gsap.registerEase("myEaseName", function(progress) { return progress; //linear }); Is there a clean way to do this? Could not find much online. Thanks, intothebreach
  8. To keep people posted - I've had to move on with this project in order to hit deadlines, so I used an EC2 instance and wasn't able to create a build pipeline for it. On our next AWS project I'll look to try this out again and see if I can get this going with elastic beanstalk and will update here if anything goes well.
  9. Hi @Prasanna Thanks for checking! Good point on the 443 port. I checked and its not on the inbound rules for that security group - going to add it now and see how that works with the security group as the source - if that doesn't work I'll open it up a bit more to see if that works. If I keep getting stuck I'll let you know and can schedule a call. Many thanks, intothebreach
  10. Hi there! Thanks for replying. Yeah tried each item on that. I'm not convinced its an issue with having the access token in correctly - we have the .npmrc in the root, also tried manually adding it in a hook before the npm install runs (the answer from 2021 seems more relevant but neither work, same CERT issue). Also, it doesn't seem to be a permissions issue - Or we would be getting a 403 instead of a cert issue? Very confusing? Thanks for any help on this.
  11. Hi all, During deploy using Elastic Beanstalk the instance runs npm install --production. We end up with the following error: npm ERR! code CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! errno CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! request to https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness failed, reason: certificate has expired I have an .npmrc file included with our authToken as specified in the CI/CD section. We have tried manually adding the details to the .npmrc file using the .ebextensions but we have the same issue. This is driving me a little mad and not sure how to resolve. Thanks.
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