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Posts posted by SteinarvDesign

  1. I wanted to animate an external Svg w. GreenSock/Gsap.

    I have used svg paths for the letters.

    Here is the result.

    My external Svg is a Codepen asset.




    Edit : The animation is now created after the SVG has loaded using fetch(" ...") and async/await.

               The animation is triggered on 'page load'.

    See the Pen qBPpvVo by steinarV (@steinarV) on CodePen

  2. @Jack  Okay . . . I understand.

    May be this is not a GSAP-specific question . . .  but how can I call svg code from an external file or an asset on codepen and use it in my GSAP animation ?


    @Cassie  One svg can work. If I position the <div id="wrapper" > <h1></h1> </div> , with the text for the 'splitText plugin', dynamically with respect to the group element <g id="letters" > </g> with the handwriting animation :


    let letters = document.querySelector('#letters');
    let lettersRect = letters.getBoundingClientRect();
    wrapper.style.top = lettersRect.bottom + 'px';


    Because the 'splitText' plugin does not work with the svg <text></text> element . . . or does the 'splitText' plugin work inside a svg ?



  3. I have 2 functions:  generateParticles and animateParticles ( w. an inner timeline ).

    I also have a 'Main Timeline':  gsap.timeline( { repeat: -1 } ).call( animateParticles, [numParticles - 1], '-=0' );

    The problem is that 'animateParticles' executes only ONE time - the function will NOT repeat.

    How can I make the function 'animateParticles' repeat itself after the first execution - play multiple times ?


    See the Pen QWMZxOB by steinarV (@steinarV) on CodePen

  4. I have recently become a Club GreenSock member -  ShockinglyGreen, and have installed the GSAP bonus plugins on my computer.
    I am testing GSAP with this setup: html, css, js, CDN files and a 'scripts' folder.

    For testing I am using the code in 'Toggle button with javascript svg animation' by @fitzsyke 'Artem' on codepen .


    I am using these scripts in the html file.
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.8.0/gsap.min.js" integrity="sha384-..."crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="./scripts/MorphSVGPlugin.min.js"></script>
    <script src="./scripts/CustomEase.min.js"></script>


    There is a problem with:
    const morphSVGPlugin = MorphSVGPlugin;  - in the js file and morphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier - also in the js file
    Here is the error:
    script.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: morphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier is not a function

    What is causing this problem ?

    See the Pen QzMMVJ?editors=1010 by fitzsyke (@fitzsyke) on CodePen

  5. GSAP with html, css, js, CDN files and a 'scripts' folder for the bonus plugins is the best solution so far.


    A project with a bundler - Webpack or Parcel - is more problematic because of the large number of dependencies the bundler relies on. Creating a .npmrc file within my project folder and installing via: 'npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly' is working, but
    several security vulnerabilities not related to GSAP is a problem.


  6. I have been learning/practicing React w. hooks in 2021 and want to stay focused on React as much as possible.

    GSAP with html, css, js, CDN files and a 'scripts' folder for the bonus plugins is the best solution so far.


    A project with Webpack or Parcel is more problematic because of all the dependencies that the bundlers have. 
    Creating a .npmrc file within my project folder and installing via: 'npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly' is a good solution, but
    this solution comes with several security vulnerabilities not related to GSAP.


  7. I also never use commands to open files. I open them manually.

    'myproject > npm set editor code' followed by

    'myproject > npm config edit' did NOT work for me.


    1) There is a npmrc file in C:\Users\SteinarV\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\npmrc.

    Maybe I can open that file manually, and paste in these lines:

    '//npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=<my auth token>

    But I can NOT open this npmrc file with the 'Visual Studio Code' editor.


    2) Or maybe I can create a .npmrc file manually in my project root folder, and paste in the above lines ?


    3) Then the first time that I install GSAP to a project I need to install via: npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/shockingly

  8. Workflow in Visual Studio Code, Windows 10:

    1) First I created a fresh React project with: npx create-react-app my-project

    2) Then I downloaded the 'GSAP 3 with Shockingly Green bonus files' ZIP file, version 3.8.0

    3) and added the gsap-bonus.tgz in the root directory of my project

    4) When I installed the file with : my-project > npm install ./gsap-bonus.tgz,
        I received the message: added 1 package, and audited 1946 packages in 10s,
        58 vulnerabilities (16 moderate, 40 high, 2 critical)

    5) After installation: my package.json file looks the same as in the 'module install' video.


    How can there be that many vulnerabilities in an 'up-to-date' GSAP installation, and do I need to fix this ?

  9. In a Vim editor  I can open the .npmrc file with this command:

    myproject $ vim ~/.npmrc   <ENTER>


    How do I do this in Visual Studio Code ?

    1) myproject $ vscode ~/.mpmrc <ENTER> or . . .


    2) myproject $ npm set editor code

        myproject $ npm config edit



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