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Jens De Muynck

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  1. Aha! Apparently it's not necessary to call this.update(false, true) anymore in this scenario! Although it's a bit weird that this breaks things. Thanks for the help! ❤️
  2. Thanks for your reply! I updated my codepen to only update the DOM in the onRelease method, and it worked like i expected it to. However, when i applied these changes in my project, I encountered a similar problem. After further testing, i discovered that the issue is with the scroller parent, so I updated my codepen to closer resemble my project where the 'main' element is the scroller instead of the body. Does Draggable not take a different scroller into account? Updated codepen: https://codepen.io/JensDeMuynck/pen/NWmopxv
  3. Hi all! I'm trying to make a sortable vertical list, but when i try to move a row to the bottom and autoScroll activates, the row becomes out of sync. I tried this.update(false, true) but that didn't seem to help. Am I missing something, or do i need a different approach? TIA, Jens
  4. Hi all! When I drag and drop some boxes on to the main element, i'd like to be able to swap 2 elements with each other by dragging. However when I swap 2 elements with each other, the dragged element is no longer correctly synced with my mouse. I tried this.update()but that didn't seem to do much. How can i fix this? Or should I try a different approach? TIA, Jens
  5. Although this didn't feel intuitive to me in this scenario, autoScroll did fix the issue. Thanks a lot!
  6. First of all, i forked the codepen demo template, but i couldn't get it to work, even though it's exactly the same code as on my local machine. I attached a gif to this post which showcases the following problem: I'm using the Draggable plugin, but noticed an issue when scrolling. The item i was dragging wouldn't scroll down with me. This only seems to happen when the item i'm dragging is in a different scrollable container. Is there a way to set a different scrolling parent on the Draggable instance? I couldn't seem to find anything in the Draggable docs either. TIA, Jens
  7. Hi, thanks for the quick response, and sorry for my late response! This is indeed what I needed, I guess I was really that close to the solution! This is my final solution that supports setting defaults, like duration and delay: https://codepen.io/JensDeMuynck/pen/xxzMWVW
  8. I'm trying to create a ScrollRevealJS clone with the help of gsap. The method gsap.from() seems perfect for this. The only problem i have, is that i want my elements to have a default opacity of 0, and animate to an opacity of 1, but i'm not sure what the cleanest way to go about this is. I know i can just 'gsap.to(element, { opacity: 1 })' right after 'gsap.from(element, correspondingElementObject.properties);', and set the default opacity to 0. The problem with that is that i use gsap for other stuff outside of my ScrollReveal class, so when i set a default delay and duration, I dont want the rest of the website to be affected by the settings. Thanks in advance!
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