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Everything posted by FingerPuk

  1. FingerPuk

    React and GSAP

    This looks good. Throws an error on React .014 though. getDomNode being deprecated.
  2. Cheers. No error but also no animation. Pen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/EjWVze
  3. Hi all. I'm trying to get GSAP to tween properties of an EaselJS bezier curve. Code is here: <script> function init() { var stage = new createjs.Stage("myCanvas"); //create the stage var circle = new createjs.Shape(); //create a shape var line = new createjs.Shape(); //testing lines - first create a shape var l = line.graphics; //then the line graphic var animateLineTest = 100; //then a point to test animation circle.graphics.beginFill("black").drawCircle(0, 0, 50); circle.x = 100; circle.y = 100; stage.addChild(circle); l.setStrokeStyle(5, 'round','round'); l.moveTo(100, 100); l.beginStroke("#333"); l.beginFill(); l.bezierCurveTo(100, animateLineTest, 388, 10, 388, 170); stage.addChild(line); circle.on("mousedown", function(){ TweenMax.to(circle, 1, {alpha:0, onUpdate:stage.update, onUpdateScope:stage}); TweenMax.to(animateLineTest, 1, {value:150, onUpdate:stage.update, onUpdateScope:stage}); }); stage.update(); //redraw the stage } </script> However I get an error: TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property Any thoughts? Cheers.
  4. Ahh, ok Sadly it doesn't help, I'm guessing this is a meteor issue more than a Greensock issue. I've never experienced any Greensock issues
  5. Hello, sadly with Meteor you cannot use a CDN but must package external code in a specific way. I have included all plugins and linked them so they are available for use. I get no errors in the console but the item doesn't tween. However I have noticed that I'm moving all elements on a page instead of the specific one I target so there must be something bigger going on.
  6. Hello. I'm working on a Meteor app and have used the GSAP package - which uses 1.11.5. I am getting no errors but also no easing, the div jumps to location after the given ease time. My code: TweenLite.to(teaCont, 1, {css:{"margin-top":"25%"}, ease:Linear.easeNone}); I know this is hard to debug as it's not sing the CDN as Meteor requires packages but surely even if the easing was not included TweenLite defaults to a default ease? Any thoughts? Cheers. p.s. Please release a Meteor package officially - I'll happily contribute by buying the full thing again.
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