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Vadym S.

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Posts posted by Vadym S.

  1. Hi, can you please adwise how I can make relative animation so object enlessly moves in specific direction on some step relatively to it current position.

    Start: box (x=0 y=0)

    iteration 1: 1s animation box (x=100 y=0) 

    iteration 2: 1s animation box (x=200, y =0)

    iteration 3: 1s animation box (x=200, y =0)

    and so on and so on.. 


    I don't have end point, I don't have a total time ofr animation, but I know that obkect has to move 100px during 1s.



  2. Hi, Is there a way to make snapping not to closest point but to next depending on scroll direction


    The code:

        let tl = gsap.timeline({
            scrollTrigger: {
                trigger: $(this).find('.pinned-block'),
                pin: true,
                start: "top+=300px center",
                scrub: false,
                snap: {
                  snapTo: 1/4,
                  duration: {min: 0.01, max: 0.01}
                end: "+=2000",
                onUpdate: (function(){
                    let progress = arguments[0].progress,
                        bgimg = $(this).find('.image-background-wrapper');
                    console.log('///' + progress)
                    if (progress >= .75) {
                        // do smth
                    } else if (progress >= .5) {
                        // do smth
                    } else if (progress >= .25) {
                        // do smth
                    } else {
                        // do smth

    What I want:  if progreese 0.02 and  direction = 1 -  I want to snap to 0.25, not to 0.0





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