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Vadym S.

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Everything posted by Vadym S.

  1. hi @akapowl It sounds like the thing I need. Have to try 3.8 thank you!
  2. Hi, Is there a way to make snapping not to closest point but to next depending on scroll direction The code: $('.image-shrink-animation').each(function(){ let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: $(this).find('.pinned-block'), pin: true, start: "top+=300px center", scrub: false, snap: { snapTo: 1/4, duration: {min: 0.01, max: 0.01} }, end: "+=2000", onUpdate: (function(){ let progress = arguments[0].progress, bgimg = $(this).find('.image-background-wrapper'); console.log('///' + progress) if (progress >= .75) { // do smth } else if (progress >= .5) { // do smth } else if (progress >= .25) { // do smth } else { // do smth } }).bind(this) }, }); }); What I want: if progreese 0.02 and direction = 1 - I want to snap to 0.25, not to 0.0
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