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Everything posted by felipejorge

  1. thank you so much @OSUblake this pointed me in the right direction
  2. Hi, I have an infinite animation I want to do (think of rainfall). After it reaches the halfway mark I want to randomly pick between green and red to change the background color, and then when it loops back to the top, it goes back to the original grey color. I already have this going which simulates the infinite "rainfall". I just can't figure out how to change the bg color of the circle at the halfway mark gsap.to(droplet, { duration: duration, y: 620, delay: delay, repeat: -1, modifiers: { y: gsap.utils.unitize(x => parseFloat(x) % 620) //force x value to be between 0 and 500 using modulus }, ease: "none" }); https://codepen.io/felipejorge7/pen/gOxYbOj This is the desired effect:
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