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Joshua Vachon

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  1. Yes, I tried but not such difference. The error message on Vercel is a bit different, but this error message isn't of great help.
  2. Hi! I tried the solution on PrivJS, but I get the same error.
  3. I am trying to deploy my SvelteKit Website on Vercel, but it seems there is an issue with GSAP Business or (maybe) just ScrollTrigger. My code works on localhost and I configured Vercel environnement key NPM_RC with the value from my account license. Even so, I get an error saying it can't find ScrollTrigger's module. I also tried the Dist folder instead, but it didn't work either. How can I solve this?
  4. Thank you! It worked! I was unaware of .reverse().
  5. For example, I have path A and path B. When I check a checkbox, the animation A morph to B is run. But then, how can I do B morph to A when the checkbox is uncheck? So how to return to the initial state, but only on input change? For now, nothing is working and I'm starting to think that I'll have to make A morph B, then hide those, make D (B duplicate) and C (A duplicate) appear, morph D to A, hide those, make A and B appear, etc. Thank you!
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