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Grace Cho

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  1. Yes, it was by debugging tool JS making it so heavy actually! Once I turned it off, GSAP works nicely in Safari. Thanks for your input!
  2. Hi all, I cannot find what is causing my GSAP in Safari is buggy , laggy, choppy... well what else word can I describe haha. One of the forum links itself looks laggy in Safari. I attached the mp4 video file: left - chrome, right - safari. Here is my GSAP code for reference: function animateFrom(elem, direction) { direction = elem.getAttribute("data-reveal-direction") ?? 0.2; const delay = elem.getAttribute("data-reveal-delay") ?? 0; let x = 0, y = direction * 100; if (elem.classList.contains("js-reveal_fromLeft")) { x = -100; y = 0; } else if (elem.classList.contains("js-reveal_fromRight")) { x = 100; y = 0; } console.log("x: ", x); console.log("y: ", y); // gsap.set(elem, { x: x, y: y, autoAlpha: 0 }); elem.style.transform = "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)"; elem.style.opacity = "0"; const tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: elem, once: true, markers: true, }, }); tl.to(elem, { duration: 1.25, x: 0, y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, ease: "power2.out", // overwrite: "auto", delay: delay, }); } function hide(elem) { gsap.set(elem, { autoAlpha: 0 }); } // Scroll reveal gsap.utils.toArray(".js-reveal").forEach(function (elem) { animateFrom(elem); }); gsap-safari-laggy.mp4
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