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Mukund Kumar

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Everything posted by Mukund Kumar

  1. I am new to gsap and currently exploring gsap timeline. in the following code, Tween start callback/end callback, timeline start callback and parentTimeline start callback not getting fired. but if the duration value is greater than 0, then it works. is there anything that i miss in the following code in order to work these callback properly ? const parentTimeline = gsap.timeline(); const timeline = gsap.timeline(); const tween = gsap.fromTo("h1", {x: 0}, {x: 300, duration:0}); timeline.add(tween); tween.eventCallback("onStart", () => { console.log("tween start callback") }); timeline.eventCallback("onStart", () => { console.log("timeline start callback") }); tween.eventCallback("onComplete", () => { console.log("tween end callback") }); parentTimeline.add(timeline, 0); timeline.eventCallback("onComplete", () => { console.log("timeline end callback") }); parentTimeline.eventCallback("onStart", () => { console.log("parentTimeline start callback") }); parentTimeline.eventCallback("onComplete", () => { console.log("parentTimeline end callback") });
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