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  1. Thank you very much for responding so quickly. Sometimes four eyes see more than two. It was a silly oversight and with a very easy solution. This forum is the best. I know ScrollSmoother it's better than Locomotive but it's not free and I can't afford it. Gsap has revolutionized the creation of websites. I remember when I got certified in Flash and Actionscript was the only creative solution, but Gsap is lighter and provides unique creativity. I think you provide greate resources and tutorials with a good documentation. There are things that webgl can do better, but are two different things. Thanks!!
  2. Hi there! I am developing a site that needs rotate an element while scrolling horizontally. The scrolling works fine, but I have no idea why these elements doesn´t rotate.. sure it´s an obvious thing I can´t see. Any help or aproach will be appreciate it
  3. Hello there! I am really impressed by your answers. Thank you very much to everyone for your help. It is a great step to develop my ideas with GSAP in my new projects. The solution has become very clear to me now. Thanks again!!?
  4. Hello there! Thanks for the example. Very clear!! I understand that using different libraries is more complex. Could I use in your example use ScrollTrigger.isScrolling( ) to apply a class to the aheader while scrolling or is not the best way to do it? Thanks akapowl!!
  5. Hello! I have read all the posts about this question but didn´t solve my problem about getting the header fixed while scrolling. I am using Locomotive too because I have no money to get somoothscroll.. sorry for this. Any help will be really appreciate it. I have tried adding class, etc. without result..
  6. Hi Cassie! This SVG is positionated on the top of a div to be transformed from a line to a curve while scrolling. You could see an example here of what I mean: https://codepen.io/armantaherian/pen/ZyZWVZ Sorry if I explain it not clearly
  7. Hi! I want to update the path pf a SVG while scrolling. I supose that I have to use 'PositionInViewport'. I have seen an oficial GSAP example form Codepen explaining 'PositionInViewport' and 'isInViewport' here: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WNOzrqg My Codepen trying to perform this is: https://codepen.io/charlyta/pen/mdxLZPg I tried to update the value of data path in this way: gsap.to(curve.setAttribute( "d", "M 800 300 Q 400 " + myposition + " 0 300 L 0 0 L 800 0 L 800 300 Z") ); Where 'myposition' is from: let myposition = ScrollTrigger.positionInViewport(box, "center").toFixed(2); The question is: How to get the position to pass this var to the path. Thanks in advance positionInViewport: Scroll down
  8. Thanks a lot, Dipscom!! and sorry...
  9. Hi Dipscom! Yes! You are right! I want the scrolling to be smooth. Now I am using Gsap and TweenMax in my example. There is the same error and blank space
  10. Thanks Dipscom! I only want to achieve a simple scroll using grid.. this is my ultra simple example in codepen. As you could see there is ever a blank space below the div.. (see the new codepen above) Thanks!!
  11. Thanks for your fast response Dipscom! I have simplify the code and I can see that this problem appears using locomotive too, so I supose there is something wrong abot the css using grid. Thanks
  12. I know that problably is a repeated question but I don´t understand why appears a great blank space bellow a div when scrolling. Is it more of a styling issue? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks for your response, it has been very useful. I have notice that my first code works fine with previous resize of the screen. I will use your code to test where is the problem. ;)
  14. Hi OSUblake, I want to show my hidden div with display:none and opacity:0 becomes visible. This hidden div will be showed from an option link of my main menu. I have set the right code in jquery, but the div is not displayed. It is because there is an error in my gsap code? This an example of what I mean: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/QWWaWPy Thanks
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