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  1. Thanks for looking. I would be interested in what others are seeing on the specific devices I mentioned ... iphone 12 and 14. I'm not sure I have seen anyone make this use case work very well on these devices so maybe they are underpowered for this? The use case being, perfect synch of 3D with DOM elements while scrolling down the page. Or maybe it is something about how these devices handle the inertia scrolling?
  2. That's weird that you can't reproduce it, I just tried another device (an iphone 14) and same result there both on the Reflektor site and my demo. Thanks for looking.
  3. I setup all three of those and it seems much improved. Thanks for that! On the Reflektor site, the scrolling is plenty smooth while I'm touching the screen, but when I lift my touch... during the "inertia" of the scrolling, the 3D elements start jumping up and down. Its very visible on the 3D shapes on the about page. Edit: Interesting... with all the suggested changes, my demo is the opposite. Very smooth during inertia, but a little jittery (but still better than before) while touch scrolling.
  4. Thanks for the reply! The idea makes sense but sadly that change seems even worse somehow. You don't see any jittering on an iphone or similar mobile device?
  5. I just saw https://reflektor.digital/ as a recent showcase site for GSAP. I also noticed how jittery the 3D elements are (easiest to see on the about page) on mobile (iphone 12). I have run into the same issue and it is somewhat comforting to see it is not just me. I was wondering if anyone else here has had the issue and has a solution for it. Edit: Here is a code sandbox illustrating the issue. The jittering is not quite as bad as it is on the reflektor site, but still evident... https://codesandbox.io/s/serene-glitter-25j39l?file=/src/App.js https://25j39l.csb.app/
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