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  1. Hi @Nick.Ls, I actually managed to achieve the vertical loop modifying the original `horizontalLoop` function. Here's a codepen: codepen. If anyone sees any issues with this, please do let me know.
  2. Amazing demo, @GreenSock. I realise it's in the name of the function to be horizontal, but I was wondering if there is a way to make this vertical but keep the same other features? (center mode, drag, focus on click etc)
  3. Thank you, I understand that is an option, but it is not available for me. My question still stands.
  4. @GreenSock, Thank you for your last comment. I was wondering if there is any way to make the scrolling still work when navigating through the tab key. Here's an example: https://codepen.io/aerra/pen/rNdRXNP?editors=1100 As of now, if you press the tab key three times (to get to box C), you'll see that the scrollbar doesn't update and there is no smooth scrolling.
  5. Hi, I came across this official codepen made by GreenSock, but after scrolling and then resizing the browser it seems to break - does anyone know if there is a solution for this?
  6. Haha, hiring someone for a personal project would be a first. I'm just trying to learn, I'm sorry I didn't follow the guidelines, I didn't mean to waste anyone's time! I would delete the post but I'm not sure if I can. Have a nice day.
  7. Hi, I know sliders have been heavily talked about on this forum but I couldn't find a thread which helped me enough. I want to achieve an autoplaying infinite slider with a certain animation in between each slide. Exemplification of said animation can be found here: https://imgur.com/6hjmzsU . Essentially, I want an image to replace the one that is currently active by sliding diagonally over it into view. Here's what I have so far: https://codesandbox.io/s/hardcore-bartik-sn3unj?file=/src/index.js I've created the codesandbox by referencing this thread, but I'm struggling with adding the in/out animation for each slide - right now I'm stuck on the first slide.
  8. @GreenSock, it is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much!!
  9. Hi! I would like to know if a fade in effect between sections is possible with GSAP & ScrollTrigger while a section has more content and needs to be scrollable at the same time. With the help of the ScrollTrigger demos I was able to achieve the fade in effect, but I don't know how to keep this fade effect between sections while also being able to scroll the section with more content (in this case, section 2). I would really appreciate any help or hints as to where / what I should be looking for.
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