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  1. Thanks for your help Carl. I figured out the problem. I forgot that in AS2 the "alpha" ranges from 0-100 and in AS3 it goes from 0-1. I still had it set to 1 which is why I couldn't see the onComplete working. Thanks for your help though....definitely saved me some frustration
  2. Wow...I'm an idiot. Thanks for your help. I do have another question, as I'm converting a Flash ad to AS2, I had some onComplete functions on 2 of my tweens that worked fine in AS3, but not so much in AS2. I have a example of it below. Any ideas? TweenLite.to(drawnBldg, 0, { delay:18.2, _alpha:1, onComplete:bldgFunction }); //// function bldgFunction() { drawnBldg.gotoAndPlay(2); }
  3. I'm having problems with the code below. For some reason when I export I only see the last tween appear and thats it. I'm using the overwrite manager but I'm not sure if it's working correctly or not. I'm not a advanced Flash user so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have the file attached as well. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; OverwriteManager.init(OverwriteManager.AUTO); // Intro Animations TweenLite.from (gfx7, 1, { _alpha:0 }); TweenLite.from (statement, .7, { _x:7, _y:175, _alpha:0, _delay:0.5 }); TweenLite.to (statement, .7, { _x:7, _y:175, _alpha:0, _delay:3.5 });
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