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Everything posted by Maurits

  1. Hi Cassie, Thanks again for replying. I've updated my code and now it works with my custom js. I'll tinker around with what you've send Is there a way to take away the short delay before the snap animation in your example? The way my example feels now is good, although it lacks some functionality (like if a page is higher than vh) What do you think of it? At least this is a good example of what we indent to build. https://codepen.io/pen/?template=gOGPWoN
  2. Hi Cassie, Thanks for the codepen. It looks alright, but I miss the snapping to the sections. I might be able to build that in but decided to stick with my current code. It's working now but it has some issues . I'll upgrade the codepen and share it again. Would be great if someone could check it out and improve it where possible I'm also thinking about an array of all the sections in combination with a timeline. "Scrolling" through the array should then trigger all the tweens in the timeline.
  3. Hi, first of al thanks to you people doing an amazing job. I roamed the forum and docs to find a solution that fits my issue, but to no avail. What works: Smooth scrolling through sections (vertically) - thanks to one of the topics What we need: We need one of the sections (#special) to stick and have its sub sections to animate on the same scrolling event. It should feel like you stay in the #special section and the sub sections are animated with for example a fade in from y+100. Always scrolling down should lead you through all sections and subsections and going up the whole thing in reverse I have tried many examples, timelines etc, but cant seem to get it to work. Snapping also seems to give a short delay in animating to the new positions. This codepen comes closest to the way we need it to scroll. Just can't find a way to make a section stick and animate it's sub sections I desperately need some advise for this has consumed days already and hope you guys can lead me in the right direction. Thanks
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