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  1. weareb

    Autoplay Accordion

    Thank you, I will work on that. I thought I could start from my current code, with timeline, and find a way to reset the animation based on the k value of each element, but if that's not possible, then I'll look at your code as a starting point! Thanks again for the answer.
  2. weareb

    Autoplay Accordion

    Hello, First of all, thank you for GSAP and the support you give here! I have built an accordion, which plays atomically. I used a timeline (I also have an image that changes every time the accordion changes, it's not in the demo) I would like to add the possibility to click on the title (h4) so that the animation rest and starts from this title. I have tried several ways but to no avail... Would you have a suggestion for me? Thanks in advance!
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