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  1. I know but first of all I don't want it to be played on initial load - that is my problem. Animation productsShow from section 2 fires when I open page on for example last section #s4 while linking from subpage to that section. EDIT: I think I'll end up with using onUpdate >0 However I think it is not the best solution
  2. Hi, thank you for your reply. With that solution when I scroll from the first section indeed it is being blocked from playing but that is not my intention. I've corrected my codepen to visualise problem. https://codepen.io/spacemind/pen/vYmvLmY When I open page at section #s4 and scroll top to section #s2 I can see that animation has been already played instead only when I reach to that section so it fills my viewpoint. It is hard to explain on codepen but here is visual explanation: I'm starting on load of page here: Scrolling top to section S2
  3. Hello, I have pretty simple markup - couple full height sections witch Scroll Trigger attached to each one that fires timeline animation. When I start browsing page from top of the site (first section) everything works good but when I open url such as mysite.com/#section6 I can see that all events from onEnter method fires at once. Is there any workaround to avoid that behaviour? For example I have animation that I keep paused on init and want it to be played during scroll to section 2 but when start viewing site from position of section 6 this animation (section 2) is being played.
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