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  1. Thanks, that totally makes sense! The solution is pretty clever I just wonder how the scrollFunc(0) call doesn't actually scroll the window up? is it somehow synced internally by GSAP with the next scrollFunc(lastScrollPosition) call?
  2. Cool! I've tried pinning with GSAP in the beginning but had no luck figuring out how to release the pins when the last card hits the end of the cards container (this happens automatically when using the native sticky positioning). as you can see here, it just goes on top of the next section.. https://codepen.io/roygiladi/pen/dyWmYoN also, any idea or direction on why this problem happens when using sticky positioning with css?
  3. Thanks for the fast response! I've attached a recording demonstrating the issue, note how after resizing - the cards are animating together instead of one by one like it is before the resize.. Basically what the tweens does is scaling each card down as it approaches the top of the screen, each card is scaled abit different depends on it's position in the list (that what makes the stacking effect).
  4. Hey, Thanks for this amazing library! having a really good time with it! I'm trying to implement a fairly simple scroll effect and I've noticed a weird behavior which I wasn't able to understand.. If you go to the attached codepen and scroll down, you'll see that there are a few elements with position: sticky that creates a stacking effect with the help of gsap. You can see the problem by resizing the viewport (and scroll again) which for some reason breaks the scroll trigger and the stacking effect.. Any help appreciated
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