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Toso last won the day on December 26 2023

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Everything posted by Toso

  1. @omi I have created this section, the tricky part was making the buttons work along with the animation itself, I used scrolltoplugin to solve this problem but it create another bug on refresh let me know if you made it work and how you did it
  2. Hi Joe, I hope you doing well. maybe it's late to comment here but you don't see ?Cassie adding a recommendation for someone every day ?, so I was just wondering if you still looking for someone. have a great day
  3. please try this one and let me know if that's what you looking for https://codepen.io/ahmed-attia/pen/MWqEdYN?editors=0110
  4. I changed {style: "fill: #F2653A", duration: 1} to {background:" #F2653A", duration: 1} and it worked just fine
  5. Toso

    CodeSandbox Challenges ?

    tn tara ra , Space-X created with flip plugin a great plugin yet so tricky he was working against me i think hahaha Sandbox : https://m3yegl.csb.app/ Github ( in case u find a problem with responsive mode in sandbox ) : https://toosoo.github.io/Space-X/
  6. Toso

    CodeSandbox Challenges ?

    ( What if ! ) The last week's demo but re-created it with SVG draw plugin and removed scroll trigger desktop & laptop users : https://kz0ex6.csb.app/ for mobile users ( cuz the responsive mode looks so different in parcel sandbox ) : https://codesandbox.io/s/what-if-kz0ex6 ************************* ( Harry potter ) This week's demo https://36u0if.csb.app/ *********************** problem with sandbox = refresh post more svg challenges i love it ❤️
  7. Toso

    CodeSandbox Challenges ?

    @Cassie tysm , i didn't know i can re-enter my demo more than once , i already start drawing another svg. so can i post the 2 demos for this week's challenge , or only 1 demo allowed ?
  8. Toso

    CodeSandbox Challenges ?

    wish i had more time to make it more mobile friendly https://bjluos.csb.app/
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