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Everything posted by SWALKER


    Responsive Tween

    I am very new to gSAP but I'm loving it BUT I can't manage to change the tween parameters responsively. All I am trying to do it change a Y value at certain breakpoints I tried this but it doesn't seem to work and actually when I insert it at the start of my JS file, nothing after works as if there is a syntax error but I can't see one and a validator came back clean? $(window).on('resize',function(){ if($('#content').width() >= 768){ // tweens or code can go here gsap.to(".about-right-lower", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".upper-image", start: "top 100%", end:'+=20000', scrub: 1, }, y: "-60%", ease: "ease-in-out" }); } else if($('#content').width() <= 767){ gsap.to(".about-right-lower", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".upper-image", start: "top 100%", end:'+=20000', scrub: 1, }, y: "-10%", ease: "ease-in-out" }); } }); I have complete layout shifts so I can't think of any adequate solution other than changing the parameters (for example using viewport based widths and heights). Any help would be amazing!
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