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Eli Altman

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Everything posted by Eli Altman

  1. Thank you for the help! Do you think there is a better solution than just increasing pin length between each scroll to account for users that scroll quickly through the page?
  2. I'm not sure where to start with codepen for this issue, but hopefully I can explain what I am trying to do with this video. I want to reach each of those animation sections and no matter how much the user scrolls, the user cannot go into the next section until the animation has completed. I also want it so that padding isnt added, so if a user scrolls back up, the sections are stacked without padding. Thanks! example_gsap2.mp4
  3. I want it to kill the scrub when the animation is finished, sorry for the confusion.
  4. https://codepen.io/dzafman-meta/pen/rNmNYBg I would like the animation to not reverse once scrolled back up.
  5. Hi, I am having an issue with being able to disable reverse timeline when the scrolling is reversed.
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